February 7 — Grigoriev day: signs of people, which can determine the weather for the year

On this day, celebrated Gregory the theologian, one of the Fathers of the Church, a close friend and associate of Basil the Great. The legacy of St. Gregory consists of 243 messages, 507 spiritual verses and 45 sermons.

Because, according to folk calendar, the day before (Aksinya) noted “polimnia”, or the middle of winter, Gregory waited for the turn to spring. And said: “Aksinya Gregory hurries to the spring did not miss the sun roof planted.”

This day is one of the most interesting from the point of view of weather forecasts. It was thought that Grigoriev day you can look not only for a month or even a season ahead, but much further.

Said that what will be the day before noon — this will be the first half of next winter. Accordingly, a portion of the afternoon until the evening predicted the weather for the second half. Also noticed that if Gregory snow falls, the winter next year is not coming. But the singing of birds in that day were not happy — this meant that even in February frosts.

In Grigoriev day in villages was supposed to do good things for ourselves and reminisce about the good deeds done by others. On their own good deeds are not told to do good had not for show, but for the sake of his own soul. On this occasion, said, “the Lord, and so all the good deeds does.”

