What appears belly fat: tips fitness trainer for his deliverance

The harm of sugar, which comes from eating it in its pure form (for example: sweet tea), inferior to the force of the harmful effects of sugar, taken together with the fat (for example: cake or chocolate).

About it in Instagram told the fitness coach Anita Lutsenko.

She also explained that as the need for energy cell is faster and easier to obtain directly from sugar, the whole fat deposited in the subcutaneous tissue or internal organs.

“Remember! Sugar + fat = fat belly,” warned the coach.

Lutsenko also showed effective activity “rectangle” getting rid of the fat on the stomach.

“Fingers to send forward, if there is not enough height to put under the hands of a few books,” advises Anita.

#14днейбезсладкого Day 11 the Harm of sugar, which comes from eating it in its pure form ( for example: sweet tea), inferior to the force of the harmful effects of sugar, taken together with the fat ( for example: cake or chocolate). As the need for energy cell is faster and easier to obtain directly from sugar, the WHOLE fat deposited in the subcutaneous tissue or internal organs. REMEMBER SUGAR+FAT = FAT BELLY!!! #14днейехегсіѕе rectangle)) How many will turn out time in 60 seconds? Fingers to send forward, if there is not enough height to put under the hands of a few books;)

Publication from Anita Lutsenko (@anitasporty) Jun 18 2017 11:19 PDT

