Military news: modernization and the future of cyber defense for the Pentagon

From 13 to 15 June in Baltimore in the US under the auspices of the Association of manufacturers of communications and electronics for the armed forces (AFCEA) hosts an annual Symposium for the defence cyber operations, which involved the Agency’s information systems defense systems USA (DISA) and its Director, General Alan Lynn (Alan Lynn).

The Symposium military, government agencies, Industrialists and academia to discuss the latest information systems and cybersecurity, and consider the development of the industry and global trends. The interest of the military structures to this major event is well founded.

The main themes this year is the acceleration of the conclusion of partnerships between military and commercial players in the world of cyber security, improving the efficiency of interaction of ciberclub various departments of the Pentagon, DARPA report on current research on the topic of the event and the struggle for the minds and talents to attract them into the military structure.

In his speech Alan Linn said that in addition to ensuring the security of military communication systems of the Pentagon, the Agency responsible, which is especially important for cyber security and ballistic missiles and missile defense systems, as it becomes, in the opinion of the General, all the more urgent in light of the growing threat from Russia and North Korea. Moreover, the already decades old information system has not been tested for safety. By the way, when placing the THAAD system in South Korea were already engaged team of cybersecurity.

With regard to internal processes, the Agency’s information systems defense systems audits systems that are used by decades on the subject of cybersecurity. Dedicated team that are on the ground studying the situation. Soon will be known, as will be the modernization of the networks and who will become the contractor-the contractor. The key criterion is speed of execution of works and procurement. US forces are trying to speed up as far as possible the introduction of new information technologies from the commercial contractors that are not yet always ready to share their truly innovative developments with the military.

Also discussed is the question of the transition of the Ministry of defense on Windows 10, which was initiated by the former chief information officer at the Pentagon. Inside the Agency, information systems defence Windows 10 has moved about 16 thousand jobs.

In the field of internal security, the General said, about a new biometric approach that has been discussed for a year in his Department. Is insufficient for the military’s facial recognition or fingerprints, General offers to create a system of access control based on gait. According to him, this will solve many security issues, will allow the military to take off their gear at the entrance to various internal objects.

Another problem is the ban on installment in defence installations of mobile phones and laptops. Alan Lynn wants to get rid of this ban, allowing secure and more mobile operational internal communication between employees of the Pentagon, as well as enabling greater detail to conduct internal monitoring activities and identify employees through analysis of their online behavior. The General believes that in the future on the basis of biometric data and analysis of the security behavior will determine the level of access for each person.

Another area of special interest is the Agency’s information systems defense purposes is the prospect of using technology Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) when the light is used as information carrier. One reason for the interest is expanding the range of information transfer, especially at a time when potential adversaries may turn off the same radio signals.

Under the microscope of the Agency and create virtual networks, virtual data centers and encryption technology information, enabling encrypted using an unprotected network for data transmission.

The General also said that the time has come to end anonymous use of the Internet. Each network user shall be determined for security purposes.

In General Alan Lynn concluded that modern warfare is impossible without close adhesions between the military and the commercial sector. The future will depend on the speed and security of the Internet of things, opportunities to exchange information in real time.

Alan Lynn said that this year his Agency will sign contracts worth billions of dollars.

For example, a contract for the creation of a military “clouds” MilCloud 2.0 will cost 498 million dollars, and the end product should be more secure than any commercial counterpart. The Encore III contract to provide global it services for the Pentagon worth $ 17.5 billion, the contract of SETI (Systems Engineering Technology Innovation) — 7.5 billion dollars.

