I was a coffee addict and got rid of it

I was a coffee addict. Two or three cups in the morning to Wake up was required. Then shower, get dressed, pack a bag. Quickly another coffee with him at the station until the train came. Milk? Black. One Euro, please. Thank you. So began my morning.

So passed the day, and then coffee, always coffee. In the office, in the classroom, in the breaks. In the remaining time of the day already not to Wake up, and in order to stay awake.

So every day I drank five to eight cups. From Cup to Cup. Happy it didn’t have anything in common. Drinking coffee has become my habit, just like people smoke out of habit.

I have long suspected that coffee is bad for me. I felt in a state of narcomafie, artificially cheerful, not assembled.

After a holiday in Ireland, I began my liberation from this dependence. There I was drinking black tea with a little milk. The Irish love this tea and energizing caffeine in it too. Of course, two times less than in coffee, and he vdram immediately, but acts more slowly.

I bought a strainer for tea and never touch coffee. The first week I constantly had a headache. I was overcome by a deep fatigue. The withdrawal syndrome.

During abstinence I couldn’t pass up coffee. The smell of freshly brewed coffee in the train, during lunch in the city, in the office, everywhere. The first days were a solid overcome; the temptation is high when everyone, except you, drinking coffee.

After a week without coffee I feel really better. The reward for my efforts was the return of the ability to concentrate again. I was able to relax. I started easier to get out of bed.

At the same time I saved money previously spent on buying coffee to go. I reduced the production of waste. This realization also brought me pleasure.

While the coffee may still be useful: “Black and strong: coffee supports the health of the” name of the book, which this topic was written by Karen Naber (Karen Nieber). Niber was a Professor at the Department of pharmaceutics at the University of Leipzig.

In his book, among other things, Naber talks about how coffee reduces the risk of deterioration of liver function and cirrhosis, because it inhibits the factors responsible for the transformation of healthy cells liver not functioning connective tissue. Patients with diabetes of the 2nd type, coffee can also help, because it slows the absorption of sugar during a meal; due to the expansion of the respiratory tract it can help asthmatics breathe more easily.

Can. Because coffee is said Niber, does not have the same effect on all people: “Studies show that there are people, the body breaks down caffeine faster. This is due to genetics. Some people have a gene, not others.” Among other things, evaluates whether the person the feeling of vitality caused by coffee, as positive or negative, due to hereditary factors.

The cooking method is also important. “Coffee from the so-called French press is harder to digest than coffee from the filter, since some substances are not filtered out,” says Neber. For example, chlorogenic acid. It can irritate the lining of the stomach and thus affect overall health. In total, the effect of coffee on people depends on many factors, he said. “For most people three to four cups per day is absolutely harmless, and under certain circumstances even useful,” — said Neber.

The issue with coffee is the same principle as with the rest of the food: everyone has to find out for himself what is good and what is bad. Now I’m drinking coffee again — of course, not every day and is much less than before.

I’m trying now to consider coffee as a way to obtain enjoyment. A Cup of coffee in a cafe with friends or acquaintances in peace and quiet, or for Breakfast on the weekends. I like it.

Why coffee keeps

Coffee contains more than 100 different substances. The most famous of them — caffeine. This substance binds in the brain with the so-called adenosine receptors. Adenosine is a neurotransmitter, which the body acts as a brake. It controls the perception of information and prevents the overloading of the brain. In addition, it makes us feel tired when bound to its receptors. When we drink coffee, the caffeine blocks these receptors. There is a feeling of cheerfulness. When the caffeine is stopped, for example, at lunchtime, adenosine again gets to work, hence the famous afternoon fatigue.

