The future depends on you

The scientists will discuss where did Brakcet, trump and Le Pen. Some people think that the problem is in the difference in income. I’d say not really. Rather, it is about the concern about the source of income and about how now you can keep up the good work.

I think the speed at which Silicon valley develops technology and conducts digital globalization creates a world where any job that requires more skills and continuous learning. Many people do not have time for a change and follow leaders who promise to stop the wind.

Allow me to repeat a few conversations. Begin a conversation with Brian Organichem, CEO of Intel. He recently said: “My grandchildren will not be led”.

His daughters are teenagers, and this means that the transport on autopilot must fully earn in 25 years, when you’re not driving a car and programming it on your smartphone, watch or glasses. Sounds fun, but, of course, if you are not making that drive a taxi.

Mark Bohr, senior researcher at Intel, explained that the main work of the company’s microprocessor — a chip the size of 14 nanometers in 2014. It has 37.5 million transistors per square millimeter. By the end of 2017, thanks to Moore’s law, Intel will produce a chip size of 10 Nm, which fits “100 million transistors per square millimeter, the density increases more than two times, while using less heat and electricity,” says Bor.

If you think cars are smart now, wait another year. It is this shift from 14 Nm to 10-Nm chips will help manufacturers squeeze the brain of the autopilot, which receives data from sensor that collects data in a mode of 360 degrees, and instantly process it to determine the presence of a dog, person, cyclist or another car. It is a transition from the subject the size of a trunk to a little box that you can put under the front seat.

When you get so much computing power that offers as much data and software is constantly improving, you create the world in which to analyze, predict and optimize such precision, which has never happened in the history of mankind. We see trends that were not there before, foretell, when you break the engine, and can replace it before with a serious degree of time-saving, streamlining everything from the route, requiring less energy of the aircraft to the ideal way of drilling in the extraction of natural gas.

I recently visited the control room at Devon Energy, a major oil and gas company in Oklahoma. Half the floor is occupied by computer screens that display data from all drilling companies around the world.

At the bottom of each screen there are two graphs, which blew my mind. One displays how much money was budgeted to drill in a certain place one foot and the second real-time shows how much it actually costs drilling, which have to undergo different stone, and these figures are updated on each foot.

A typical well requires to lower the pipe two miles down and then turn horizontally for another two miles to the East or the West with such precision it can get into gas-bearing layer with a width of some 20 feet.

If you are now working on an oil platform in Devon, you have a computer and not just an oily wrench. And you get a degree in the mechanic in a corporate College, and not just remain a “techie”. You must be a repairman for the computer with the handwheel.

The idea of a world where we’re going on four years in College and then 30 years use the knowledge is no longer true. If you want to work anywhere else, you’ll have a lifetime to learn.

This means that you now depends on much more. And it’s also a personal motivation for learning, and the ability to continue to learn becomes a vital skill.

That is why the expert on the issues of education for work MacGown Heather likes to say: “Stop to ask young people about what they want to be when you grow up. It hung up there for work, which may no longer exist. Ask how you want to live when you grow up. Skill twenty-first century will be the availability of flexible, learning-oriented, way of thinking”.

Someone suitable, someone-no. And there are those who wants, but doesn’t know how.

In General, the bad news is that you now on many times more. Good — such systems as the University Council Khan Academy — now appear everywhere and give the opportunity to accelerate the learning in an age of acceleration.

Take a look at this picture and understand that a prosperous country would not choose strong. They will choose a leader who will inspire and provide the citizens a strong people who can control their own future.

