Georgia accused Russia of encroaching on its sovereignty

In Georgia considered a violation of international principles and laws upcoming visit of foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov to Abkhazia, which is occupied by Russia. This was stated by the Special representative of the Prime Minister of Georgia for relations with Russia Zurab Abashidze, reports TASS.

According to him, the arrival of a Russian diplomat in Sukhum (Abkhazia) is a “violation of Georgia’s sovereignty”.

“The trip Lavrov is ignoring international principles and laws. This is another attempt to infringe the sovereignty of Georgia,” – Abashidze stated.

In turn, the Georgian foreign Ministry also reacted to the provocative visit of Lavrov to Abkhazia.

Georgian diplomats urged Russia to respect the territorial integrity of Georgia.

“The Minister for foreign Affairs of Russia in the Abkhazian region with violation of the state border of Georgia and illegal opening of the Sukhumi new building of the diplomatic mission of the Russian Federation grossly violates the principle of respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state (Georgia) in the framework of its internationally recognized boundaries and other fundamental norms of international law. Such actions are a continuation of the provocative policy against Georgia and aims to legitimize the forcible change of borders of a sovereign state. Such illegal actions of the Russian Federation unsuccessfully attempts to legitimize the occupation regimes,” – said the foreign Ministry of Georgia.

We will remind, on April 12, it became known that Georgia refused to purchase natural gas from Gazprom until the end of 2017. The country needs the raw materials will be imported from Azerbaijan.

