Here’s a she, Alkarama: alcoholic preferences of Europeans

First time scientists were able to calculate, to measure and compare in a single study of different alcoholic preferences of Europeans. It turned out that drink most of all in Ireland, and drunk most often by the Portuguese.

At that time, in Germany on the table is often the schnapps, the Portuguese may prefer to drink before meal a glass of bogasari.

The further East of Europe, the more glasses filled with vodka. But in the South I prefer wine.

In the North, Irish and English drink his pint in the pub, while the Norwegians and the Swedes pumped his pint of beer and aquavit and whisky at Christmas and Midsummer.

Each country has its own own alcohol traditions, and in the manner of drinking large differences. But how much of the alcohol consumed in each country?

The Irish drink more than anyone, the Portuguese drink faster than anyone

For the first time scientists were able to collect and compare information on the consumption of alcohol in Europe.

The most recent study on the health and lifestyle conducted by a major European centre of the European social survey (European Social Survey) showed that:

In General, most of the alcohol consumed in Ireland.

• Manner to get drunk, when drunk a lot and quickly, most common in Portugal, in second place United Kingdom.

• Men in Europe, they drink almost twice more than women.

• Drink women in Central and Eastern Europe.

• In Northern Europe more alcohol you drink the Danes, while Norwegian men most drink at the weekend — on average 10 units of alcohol.

Questions from doctors and sociologists

“The study is unique because it first studied the population of several countries, and in regard to lifestyle and health, and matters of working conditions, and living conditions generally. Used to do it did not, because until recently, professionals — doctors and sociologists — have not carried out joint research in such aspects of people’s lives,” says Terje Andreas Eikemo (Terje Andreas Eikemo), Professor of sociology, Norwegian University of life Sciences and engineering.

He headed a group of scientists CHAIN that the study dealt with issues of health and lifestyle. Until recently, to measure the level of alcohol consumption was difficult.

If strong drink?

Because: how much is actually alcohol in a glass of vodka, wine or beer? In different countries all different.

“In different countries different drink alcohol in different amounts at different times and for different reasons. And we must also distinguish between the volume, frequency and what we call the ability to quickly get drunk,” explains Akamu.

Its wine list for each country

Therefore, to study pre-prepared questions with different illustrations of units of alcohol that you drink for each country. The collected responses were then recalculated for comparison to the number of grams of alcohol. And now, finally, scientists can consider the relationship between the manner of drinking, health and living conditions.

“With regard to health, the consumption of alcohol later adds to a the factors influencing health. Living conditions begin to affect the health status before and can tell us about why we drink the way we drink. Problematic consumption of alcohol has a destructive effect on the man himself, and his family, but it is rarely the main reason for the destruction.”

The rich and educated, drink more, but drink the “right”

There is also a relationship between social status and alcohol consumption. Most people drink with great potential.

“The consumption of alcohol do seem associated with higher education. This distinguishes alcohol from other lifestyle factors, such as Smoking, which is spread only in the lower strata of society. Exception — problematic alcohol consumption, it is more typical for these layers”.

Bans is not the way to go

Professor at the Norwegian Institute of natural Sciences and engineering says that the study apparently debunked some of the myths about the problems associated with alcohol. In particular, it shows that the bans — not the best way to get people to change their lifestyle and reduce the disparities in health status between rich and poor.

“Our study showed that the vast majority of countries more important to improve living conditions and working conditions than the lifestyle of the people. Improved lifestyle, of course, important, but in order to consider it some symptom, it’s too late adds to a list of reasons that affect health. First, we need to give people the opportunity to live with dignity, through the provision of good health services and related social security. Thus, we will create the best preconditions for health care came from people in the habit” — said Akamu.

