Spring avitaminosis: truth and myths

Fatigue, drowsiness, pale complexion, hair loss, blurred vision, bone fragility, neurological disorders — typical symptoms of beriberi. To deal with him trying to deal with fruits, vegetables and vitamin complexes. But there is “a spring avitaminosis”? Do I need to treat it? In fact, beriberi was too early, when fresh vegetables and fruits in the winter were considered as rare as snowdrops. Now we buy it all year round. Another thing is that some of the products in the winter months contains less nutrients than summer or autumn, writes likar.info.

Also note that vegetables and fruits people mostly only gets vitamin C, folic acid and carotene. And then, if he eats varied. The vitamins contained in the shells of cereal, bread from wheat flour, cereals, meat and dairy products, nuts and eggs. Potassium and calcium in the cheese, tomatoes, cottage cheese, prunes and dried apricots. As you can see, to replenish the vitamins of fresh fruits is not really needed.

Much more than vitamin deficiency occurs hypervitaminosis (toxicity or poisoning, vitamins) that occur due to uncontrolled intake of vitamin-mineral complexes, which are freely sold in every pharmacy. For example, when a large amount of vitamin C in human begins, insomnia, deteriorating eyesight, a sense of anxiety that disrupts the function of the kidney and pancreas, increases the blood concentration of drugs containing estrogen. So take any vitamins responsibly, is better for the advice of a doctor. This is especially true of children.

Often, even the doctor is unable to immediately determine, whether an adult or child has a deficiency of a vitamin. It can be found only through blood tests.

Generally, the deficiency is characteristic of some developing countries of Asia and Africa, where there are problems with the food. Residents of most developed countries about the lack of vitamins already forgotten. Another thing is that in developed countries fresh vegetables and fruits are expensive and therefore many people do not buy them often, preferring to get vitamins from other sources.

We’re not talking about the fact that there is no deficiency, but it is not necessary to allocate “a spring avitaminosis”. A vitamin imbalance can occur at any time of the year. The reasons are many. For example, vitamin deficiencies may occur due to Smoking, abuse of alcohol, “therapeutic” starvation, different “strict” diets. Another reason is uncontrolled reception of medical preparations.

We need vitamins a lot less than, for example, in fatty acids (omega-3 and omega-6) and amino acids. In the body there are fairly large stocks of certain vitamins, such as vitamin B12, fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, which are deposited in the fat cells of the liver. The body itself produces some vitamin D from cholesterol by the reaction with ultraviolet radiation, vitamin e – from the amino acid tryptophan and the vitamin K producing intestinal bacteria.

Don’t need to take multivitamins in the prevention. If you’re being paranoid about the spring beriberi, it is best to consult a doctor, he will determine whether your body lacks nutrients.

The only vitamin that should be remedied in the spring – the vitamin D. It is produced by the body when sun rays fall on the skin, and “penetrates” the body by eating fish, fish oil, eggs, beef liver. It promotes the absorption of calcium and therefore necessary for healthy bones. Adults and especially the elderly lack of this vitamin can lead to bone loss and, consequently, for fractures. During the summer months it is impossible in sufficient quantity to accumulate in the body of this vitamin. So to replenish its reserves recommended spring sun.

Spring vitamin deficiency is almost always associated with pale skin. But really pale skin appears because of the bad atmosphere in the offices. The man had spent the whole day in the office with high temperature and low humidity, can purchase only flushed. Reduces the production of sebum, the skin loses its elasticity and becomes pale. In the spring to restore a healthy complexion it is not necessary to resort to vitamins. It is sufficient first to try to maintain the optimum office temperature and humidity.

We should not forget that all people are different, they live in the same city, and therefore require different vitamins and nutrients, and in different quantities. For example, people living in the South of Ukraine, is most often on the sun and requires less vitamin D than, for example, from Kiev.

Beriberi: myth and reality

Myth: vitamin Deficiency is characteristic only for the spring months.

Reality: Scientists have proven that we can experience the lack of vitamins for different reasons and at any time of the year, even in summer. Beriberi is often even the inhabitants of hot countries where fruits and vegetables are available all year.

Myth: vitamin Deficiency will not, if you eat plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits.

Reality: the RDI for vitamin A is 1.5 kg carrots, vitamins B1 and B2 – 2 kg of lean meat, vitamin C – 2 kg of apples or 6 kilograms of oranges. But that’s not all the vitamins needed daily by the human body. In addition, you need minerals.

Myth: a Multivitamin to compensate for a poor diet and prevent disease.

Reality: Scientists still have not come to common opinion, how effective are the multivitamins. Some studies show that multivitamins protect against premature death. Other studies claim that they have no real use. In any case, the main supplier of nutrients into the body – food. The food is a perfect balance of vitamins and nutrients. So you should always eat well, then about any spring vitamin deficiency does not need to remember.

Myth: All vitamins are good.

Reality: actually, everything that can benefit health, able to do much harm.

Myth: an Overdose of vitamins is impossible.

Reality: an Overabundance of vitamins may harm. For example, excess vitamin A affects the liver, and if too many pregnant women, it can lead to birth defects in their children. Excess vitamin D6 can damage nerves, too high amounts of vitamin C makes this antioxidant to prooxidants, and excessive amounts of certain vitamins may even cause the growth of cancer cells.

Myth: Vitamins do not interact with medications.

Reality: for Example, vitamin K interacts with certain medications as dispensed on prescription or without it.

