Welcome to the world Jared Kushner

In a sense, in that unexpected trip to Iraq, which this week was made by the son-in-law of the President of trump Jared Kushner (Jared Kushner), was not surprising. Currently, one is not surprised that some members of the administration of the tramp thought it a good idea to beginner in a war zone, or to ignore the usual diplomatic procedure, or to turn the war in which American soldiers are at risk and in which the civilians of Iraq are dying due to accidental air strikes, reason to boast of their relatives. Even in a technical sense this trip was not a surprise, because officials of the White house — as if in mockery of the security procedures — yet confirmed the visit of Kouchner before he managed to land in Baghdad.

Team trump, of course, very well aware that the closest relative of the US President is a very tempting target in a war zone. Perhaps the team decided that the American and the Iraqi army sent to protect Kouchner as many soldiers that will have nothing to fear — at least to him personally. The fact that the announcement of his impending visit could jeopardize a lot of these ordinary soldiers, apparently, not occurred to the White house. In fact, the main mystery trip, Kouchner was what the political Vice of the White house trump it best illustrates: incorrect self-aggrandizing or shameless indifference to other people’s lives, conflicts of interest or lack of interest in the consequences of the exercise of power.

What is the main question? Whether trump believes Kouchner are competent and capable of performing the work that the President had chosen for him (to bring peace to the middle East to lead the fight against ISIL, to restructure the Federal government to serve as a mediator in relations with China, Saudi Arabia, Mexico and even Canada)? Or whether trump believes that the level of competence Kouchner has any value?

Monday, April 3, White house press Secretary Sean Spicer (Sean Spicer) asked a question about how Kushner will be able to cope with all this, to which he replied: “he has a team he leads”. On the question of whether he can call the names of some members of this team Jared Spicer first tried to refer to some of the emissary and “group of people” from Division at American innovations, which will help Kouchner, in another project, namely the project to combat the epidemic of addiction — and then gave up and said that it was “very different people” play “different roles”. Many tasks, many people, many roles — a kind of Jared-oram.

According to Spicer, Kushner went to Iraq at the invitation of the Chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, who “thought it was a good opportunity” for the son-in-law of the President. Then he recovered, adding that it was “a possibility, which, I believe, any government official and any representative of the media must use if he is offered the opportunity” — as if reporters who failed to appreciate the passion Kouchner to the car tuples are themselves morally loose hacks who take pleasure in walking the war zones.

The constant repetition of the word “possibility” is irritating — not only because it makes American soldiers in the tourist attractions. This word immediately calls to mind the explanation which hope Hicks (Hope Hicks), Director of strategic communications team of the US President, suggested last week when she tried to explain to the reporter of the Times the solution to Ivanka trump to ignore public concern is the problem of cronyism and speculation, and become an official employee of the White house: it will provide “many new opportunities for initiatives that can bring real benefits to American society that were previously inaccessible to them”. The list of features that were previously inaccessible to them, given its origin, is extremely short, although one would assume that it still consisted of unaccountable political power.

However, it is not very clear why the chance for personal growth, which is the transformation of government agencies in toys gives spouses Kushner, it is necessary to portray as something that will work for the good of society. Competence Ivanka, most likely, will not allow it even on a moderate scale to affect the position of her father in the fight against climate change, as evidenced by his Executive decrees signed last week. Jared has previously worked as a senior adviser. Ivanka will be a special assistant.

Those financial disclosure forms that the couple Kushniry filled to their positions, indicate that the value of their assets reaches at least a quarter of a billion dollars, and perhaps even more. (From the beginning of the era of the tramp in the area of financial disclosure came the dark times.) I wonder, should we admire their luck, or their wit, if during the administration of trump that figure in some way will increase several times.

It might Kouchner will find the time to talk to the experts of the Senate Committee responsible for investigating relations campaign headquarters trump with Russia. Last week the White house confirmed that during the transition period, Kouchner met with the Russian Ambassador in the USA, and later with the head of “Vnesheconombank” with close ties with Vladimir Putin. The administration trump has positioned these meetings as part of their normal work Kouchner, consisting in networking and the evaluation of the interlocutors. But when the Times reporter asked Hicks, did not say whether Kushner with Putin’s banker about, say, lifting sanctions, she stated that such serious matters were raised: “It was not really a conversation.” Did Kouchner happen otherwise?

In other words, it all comes down to the fact that either the role of Kouchner is a particular kind of fraud or the pretending — to flatter his ego, to become a cover for his business contacts to save trump from having to deal with these issues yourself — either the President gave the solution of critical issues of national security on the shoulders of his son, expecting him to cope with them. In the end, in Iraq, Kouchner met with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi (Haider al-Abadi), and that whatever he said his words will be perceived as a certain signal.

In addition, Kouchner has played an important role in planning meetings trump with the President of China XI Jinping (Xi Jinping), who is much more experienced team also believes inexperience trump a great opportunity. There are no absolutely safe option, even if the main risk political self-esteem of our country. In reporting on the Affairs Kouchner quite often hear the idea that influential foreigners take it seriously, because in a much less democratic countries, the one role he plays, is familiar: many family members of the autocrat gradually supersede state institutions and in the process reduce their legitimacy.

Writes Evan Osnos (Evan Osnos), Sam si rose to power partly because he was the son of an influential person. Whether to consider the life of Jared something amazing just because he was born in America?

