The Washington Post: the Recent terrorist attacks on Russia
ZebecXebec: “Bomb “terrorists” as “tweets” to distract from the growing dissent”.
The Washington Post: the explosion in the subway of Saint Petersburg, 11 dead, the city — on the verge
john128: “My condolences to all the victims and their families in St. Petersburg. This is another terrible event, the action of madmen. We Express our condolences and respect to all the innocent victims and their relatives and friends from us, the citizens of the United States”.
Radical_Christian_Terrorism: “Why when in the air strikes Russia, hundreds of thousands of innocent Syrian civilians, men, women, children, burning to ashes (Russian does not bother with the careful selection of targets or don’t use precision bombs), no one and not blink an eye, and when killed 11 Russians, all have outraged. Undoubtedly, the attack, all this is very sad, innocent people don’t deserve death, but I understand when you kill someone’s family members, and they have to dig their loved ones from the rubble with bare hands, clutching a Taurus babies, arm or leg wife or husband, and parents, crushed under the ruins, then Yes, it will drive people crazy, and they will take revenge. I blame Russia, I blame Putin for the killings is revenge for his killing of innocent Syrian people. Russia had nothing to climb”.
DENrar: “the Bombs were made of pressure cookers stuffed with nails. Who, as we know, all makes and operates those explosive devices? Islamic terrorists”.
john128: “riot, of course, also knows how to make such bombs.”
Lucky36: “Is Putin not thought, when he went to Syria, he makes his people a target for terrorists?”
wfu13: “These explosions will be a great reason to continue to accelerate in Russia to peaceful demonstration and Assembly.”
wfu13: “the bombings that took place immediately after the anti-corruption demonstrations in Russia, very suspicious. It reminds me of the bombings in 1999, which paved the way for the war in Chechnya.”
Martyn McFly: “All paid Russian trolls appeared simultaneously with a consistent message that Putin is involved in this provocative distraction “terrorist attack” false flag. Tricky operation”.
seemstome: “the Big demonstration was in St. Petersburg and one in Moscow. Moscow — before the next election? How lucky for Putin that the “terrorists” choose the time for their attack, given his interests. What a misfortune for the Russian people.”
Mirko Sansan: “”terrorist Attack” immediately followed by mass protests. Looks like Putin is trying to consolidate power”.
Breitbart: Nine people were killed after an explosion in the subway in Saint Petersburg
truth seeker Ira Berman: “This has nothing to do with Islam. Many Russians believe that it was organized by the FSB and Putin’s order to distract people from the real problems (corruption, weak economy, etc.) and to prohibit all rallies and demonstrations in the country.”
Titanium Atty Tude: “you Go to hell with your stupid comments, 86% of Russians believe President Putin the best. He loves his country and culture and, above all, cares about his people — Victor Orban. These “interesting” news disseminates the official opposition, the camp of the Bulk, which is paid for by our old friend Soros”.
SimG Ira Berman: “You’re just repeating the lies and propaganda of CNN and BBC against Russia and Putin. You’re either brainwashed political ignoramus or a supporter of globalism, and the true enemies of humanity — it is not Putin and Russia, and the globalists”.
EjB Ira Berman: “You sure about that, cowboy? We will make sure that happens. Putin will get these guys. He didn’t act like Barry Obama. And look, not whether to call them “Mohammed” and “Mustafa” when he gets them, and kill them, and he would get them killed. Slavs can hold a grudge thousands of years”.
gemini gemini: “Is it not an interesting coincidence that Putin just appeared today in St. Petersburg?”
Ira Berman dd: “it is Strange that they have so quickly appeared a picture of the suspect. And another explosion occurred at around 14:30. I think that the terrorist would have chosen a busier time — rush hour morning or evening. During rush hour, he would also be easier to get lost in the crowd.”
Mayor Adam West attention_please_1902: “the media is trying to portray Putin, the Russian villain James bond”.
Iltalehti: the Researcher: a terrorist attack would strengthen support for Putin and will worsen position of citizens
Jouko Haila: “Probably, Putin/FSB organized the explosions to divert attention from the demonstrations. Putin wants to show that he is ready to support the people, he quickly caught the terrorists and everything will be fine.”
Pekka Kaartinen: “Maybe this time the customer was again the Russian leadership? In memory there was an explosion of high-rise buildings, planned the FSB, the blame for which the blame on the Chechens. Now, with the help of the tragedy would damage civil liberties.”
Ahti Nuottimäki: “This event can be used as Manelski the incident, based on which Russia can punish someone in return. Fortunately, this time the perpetrators will be found not in the West.”
Iltalehti Published the first photos of the suspect in the explosions in Saint-Petersburg
Lasse Holm: “most Likely, the explosion is Ukrainian or Belarusian. However, this time it could be ISIS. I think the organizers could be and the Finns, if we remember how much we feared a Russian attack”.
Jorma Mustonen: “I don’t think it could be custom work Russia?”
Ilta-Sanomat: In the subway of St. Petersburg, an explosion, 11 people were killed — this was the evening
Karjalasta kajahtaa: “the Tenth explosion in Russia. Over the last ten years.”
KajMaj: “Petersburg — a calm and beautiful city, the people there are sincere. In this crime there is nothing beautiful, there is nothing that could justify it”.
Verkkouutiset: the Reaction of Finland to the events in Saint-Petersburg
Petteri Pete Hattunen: “Russia is guilty in the tens of thousands of deaths in the East of Ukraine, and one is not particularly condemned. Everything is relative”.
Verkkouutiset: the explosion in the subway of St. Petersburg, has died
Arto Söderman: “In Russia held demonstrations against Putin, and after a few days in St. Petersburg, Putin’s native city, a bomb explodes —> people support Putin. FSB provocation?”
VG: Russian media: the Police believe that the terrorist act committed suicide
Ole-Kristian Øverby: “Terrible. Now find out how many people in the world support Russia”.
Han Lund: “I Think that the majority supports the people of Russia and mourn the victims. What in the world are against Russia, mainly due to its government”.
Harald Asheim: “Han Lund: Certainly, except those who swallowed the bait of the propaganda, which is so uncritically reproduce the Norwegian media. Russia can and should be criticized, but isn’t it odd that Russia is committing “war crimes” when the bombs intended for Jabhat al-Nusra (terrorist organization banned in Russia — approx. TRANS.) striking the civilian population in Aleppo, while the same is happening in Mosul, so do not call?”
Daniel Danielsen: “No response from the Norwegian side, because it happened in Russia. If this had happened in USA or in some European country, and would be the direct reports, and numerous responses from the Norwegian side. Glory to Russia, long live Putin”.
Øyvind Ursin Kavåg: “Regardless of whether things like that in Russia, the US or Europe or elsewhere, it’s monstrous, and more than tragic. Do not do primitive speculation and do not rush to judge”.
John R Johannesen: “All this is very sad. No one knows what is behind this attack, but I expect that Russian investigation soon finds out and punish a group or an individual terrorist as soon as possible”.
John R Johannesen: “I would like to support our good neighbor to the East, hope that will do the whole world?”
Kenneth Swan: “very, Very sad…”
Karl Anders Rostrup: “a small consolation that Russia is not willing that “terror is something we should get used to it”. They want to find terrorists who are suspected of belonging to radical Islamists. Will Norwegian leaders indecisive and apathetic, when the Islamists strike in our country?”
Gazeta Wyborcza: Bombs under Putin
krd_chicago: “”After all, everywhere there are agents of the FSB, all are on the ears, it seems that everything is under control”. To ensure complete safety and control is impossible, the more the country’s leadership is trying to do, the more chances that it will limit freedoms and human rights. Putin will probably use the attack to do so. Of course, in the name of security”.
disillusioned_and_in_denial: “Not like the story of that house? People started to rebel, it’s time to kill to rally the others and knock out the opposition? I wouldn’t be surprised if it made Putin’s gang”.
Wirtualna Polska: Blast in St. Petersburg metro, there are dead and wounded
Marcin: “I would like to be wrong, but in the context of recent protests it looks like a deliberate action of the authorities, who prefer to sacrifice a couple dozen people, but to prevent the risk of mass protests against Putin. Now people for some time konsolidiruyutsya around Putin, and then it will be a new explosion or some kind of war, and so on. It is a pity that the Russians do not understand”.
Lio: “In the first comments that I heard on Polish TV, there were hints that Putin himself staged the attack and killed its citizens. I was very, very unpleasant. Instead of expressing sympathy, sympathy that we immediately hate blame the President of a neighboring country that he is deliberately killing its citizens… How to soak up the hatred, so to respond to someone else’s tragedy. And it said the expert on Oriental themes. A shame and a disgrace”. the terrorist act in the subway. Krzysztof Ledel: terrorist attacks in Russia, it is common
~eksterminacja: “the Russians are satisfied with the action of vengeance. About some we’ll never know. And in the West in such cases, draw with chalk on the pavement. I still prefer the Russian version.”
~tomi: “At least Putin has balls, he don’t make a fuss with the terrorists, doesn’t play political correctness and eliminate the killers. If all countries took the example of Russia, we would have got rid of these terrorists, these parasites who kill innocent people and hide in their burrow.”
Newsweek Polska: a terrorist Attack in St. Petersburg — a serious problem for Vladimir Putin. It destroys the precarious sense of security of Russians
~Sean4: “In the published article, there is a single fact: there was a terrorist attack, been a few others. The rest is opinions, or rather conjectures of the author. Muslims in Russia than in the EU, but in Europe the attacks take place every five minutes, and in Russia — once every few years. So the Russians can feel relatively safe. Secondly, Russia is more frequent attempts to organize a terrorist attack than in the EU. In Europe they are successful, and in Russia — one of many. Thirdly, Putin, of course, eliminates the guilty, but calmly, at your own pace and on their own terms, he won’t pour gasoline fire, and even more shouting and waving his sword. Unlike our politicians, he talks little and adheres to one simple rule “keep it coming””.
Dziennik Gazeta Prawna: Petersburg. The explosion in the subway. Many dead and wounded, some of whom are children
polskich z kresow: “the Attack on Polish Consulate in Lutsk, the attempted coup in Belarus, the Bulk attempt to organize a coup in Moscow, and now the explosion in the subway. In politics, nothing happens by accident. Where do these prints lead? I do not know the West, fuelling the unrest, its share of responsibility, and whether all the roads to Kiev?”
Autor: “And I have a question: why this attack is so little written in the media? When you kill the Europeans, the headlines scream louder than advertising of supermarket, everywhere is full of information… When they kill Russian, there is only one article under the news about the new boots of puss in boots and so on. Russian — not a man? So on each site.”
Hürriyet: the explosion in the subway in Russia! Many dead! Recent statements
uğur öneş: “We are with Russia.”
g mu: “I have been in St. Petersburg as a tourist. A beautiful city on a par with Istanbul. Damn terrorism and its accomplices. Turkey and Russia should work together more closely in the fight against terrorism.”
m guray: “They do it, saying “I am Muslim”..!!”
Baris kisacik: “will Not work half a century, as we destroy each other. You came into this world once, why, in his transient life you choose murder. May God give patience to the bereaved families”.
son söz: “Turkey and Russia are brothers. We share the pain of Russia…”
Ülker Kaya: “the Plan is clear. This is a speculation. Russia did so only in order to remain in Syria.”
Kunta Kinta: “ISIL (banned in Russia — approx.ed.)”.
fethi göceden: “My condolences to the Russian people.”
Nil Deniz: “because Of BOP (project “greater middle East”) Russia should not be there. Therefore, the United States let the dogs out ISIL on Russia.”
Sahip Kiran: “it is Clear as day that did it a terrorist organization YPG/PKK (people’s protection Units/workers’ party of Kurdistan)”.
Hasan Kcr: “Deep Russia”.
Ozan Öz: “This is clearly the work of the PKK”.
yucel karacalar: “the Main force behind any terror in the world — the U.S., no doubt about it; even if they are not directly doing it, be sure to have a close or distant relationship”.
En Son Haber: the explosion in the subway in Saint Petersburg
Sel: “At this time, of course, worked for the KGB. Russia or somewhere comes in, or set the stage to attack ISIS together with the PYD (Party of Democratic Union)”.
kürşad: “the Work of the PKK; they made an explosion, using ISIL.”
deli cesaret: “It could make the USA under the influence of the idea of meddling in the election”.
mhpli: “Yes, against a dozen people in Russia in Iraq, Syria kill thousands of innocent Muslims.”
mustafa arslan-almanya: “the Real killer is America, but no one says nothing to her, the master murderers, the Advisor of Satan, the murderer America; even Erdogan is nothing they cannot say; for the last ten days the American planes taking off from Incirlik, sowed death in Syria and Mosul, Erdogan condemned this? Close Incirlik, down with the Yankees”.
usame ladin: “You killed thousands, millions of Muslims in Syria, and then said that it was an accident. These explosions, probably, too was an accident…”
RTE: “Europe sees that we are closer to Russia, now attacked Russia. Will soon explode in China”.
yorummm: “the British deep state in action.. Killing politicians a little, now it commits a terrorist act…”
KAHROLSUN BÜTÜN TERÖRISTLER: “Why the world, especially the West and Russia, do not give the exact definition of terror. Why don’t they speak in a loud voice that the terrorists are those who deliberately, willingly, planned killing of innocent civilians. Because they all have their hands in the blood of civilians. On their radar — the new civilians they kill.”
uyanık ol: “the Reason for the Russian occupation of other countries or a signal to Russia from other countries? One of these two questions, in my opinion, is the cause of the explosion…”
ansoadia: “the Event that will go down in the unofficial history as a “terrorist attack, planned by America, arranged in order to establish close relations with Russia even stronger in the direction of a certain goal””.
X: “the CIA works.”
Onur Reis 53: “interestingly, the only place where the bomb exploded, and the USA.”
momo38: “It was a boomerang effect. If you pose with flags of the PKK in Syria, others come and beat on you.”
hedefte rusya: “Since 2011, the Russian sight; then in the subway attacks in Europe are killing their diplomats, the Russian borders, focus arms; Russia is secretly at war with the EU, and we need to quietly help Russian”.
ankaralı: “because of the interests of States are always killed innocent civilians. For example, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, and now Russia”.
babeyli: “the West no longer recognizes the right to life of anyone but himself.”
halk: “that’s what happens when you’re friends with Erdogan”.
yyyyy: “do Not go to Russia, unsafe:)”
Der Standard: St. Petersburg in shock after the terrorist attack in the subway
Plöschenberger: “I just resent, but that’s the way criminals get what they wanted. They are not so important were the ten people who died, how many of those millions of people who these days will think, worry, be afraid… I Wish the people in St. Petersburg just good.”
Micha Do: “Even if the government do not, I Express condolences and sympathy. The dead victims of terror, there is no “dark dealings””.
Grunzi der Schöne: “This is unfortunately a grim reality, against suicide bombers, we will always unarmed, no power on earth can stop them…”
walter.romas: “Frankly, I do not care who will benefit from it, or uses it as an excuse to conflict — Putin or trump! My condolences to those families who lost their children, grandchildren, parents, etc.! Not the country or someone in person! The victims are people just like us who simply live, work, celebrate, spend time with their families — regardless of who is the head of state.
So before you start working with the conspiracy theories and to ask who benefits, you must first think about the victims and their loved ones to think also what would happen if among them was someone dear to us… That’s when it becomes clear that all is equal, who will benefit from it, Putin or someone else…”
Kopernikus: “somehow the same. Just held a protest rally, as immediately followed the attack, the people could unite under a great leader. Very practical it turned out that he himself was at that time in the city and was able to immediately sad to pose for the press. If earlier it was still possible to believe in any coincidence, then now it is hard.”
The Sankei Shimbun: Shock during Putin’s stay; IG, Chechnya, nationalists… Destabilizing factor for the authorities
ShikiMahoroba: “If this attack involved ISIS or the middle East, it proves that Russia has achieved results, Dating back to a serious destabilising factor that appeared as a result of actions of NATO.”
Mainichi Shimbun: the Explosion in the Russian subway: the loosening of government?
kiteruwkiteruw: “Perhaps you should analyse why in the UK, and the terrorist attacks in Russia are carried out in the subway. Also it is necessary to analyze similarities and the reasons that lead to a terrorist attack.”
akio_yam: “a Conspiracy to Putin won the election? In Turkey it has had success with a failed coup. Used to suppress opposition and win the election. In Japan, the government also suppressed the activation of the opposition after the Case Matsukawa”.
akio_yam: “There is a possibility that this is Putin. You can adjust everything as if it were the handiwork of anti-government forces, to suppress them and to win a major victory in the elections. Hitler also used this method.”
Nihon Keizai Shimbun: a Blow to the Putin administration; the possibility of greater control
serenahrm: “Previously, the Putin administration has already strengthened the control within the country after the attacks. After the seizure of the school in the South in 2004, were abolished gubernatorial elections. The President was personally to appoint governors. Strengthened centralization”.
hiroyuki_jkk: “Maybe we have not long to live in the world. By the way, at the end of last year, the car drove to the Parliament building, and it was not recognized as a terrorist attack, isn’t it?”
passer_A1: “it is Obvious that this explosion will affect domestic politics. 26 Mar 80 Russian cities, including Moscow and Saint Petersburg, just a wave of demonstrations against corruption in Putin’s government…”.
newsitf: “a Lot of attacks that target law enforcement agencies in Chechnya, Dagestan and other southern Russian regions, where many Muslims, however, the last attack was in 2013…”
El Mundo: 11 victims of the terrorist attack in the subway of Saint Petersburg
fakewelt5: “Another terrorist attack by Islamists. Many people decide. Don’t see anything surprising in this.”
Hispanovlc: “Any murder is reprehensible. But when you go quietly in public transport, and some son of Satan suddenly decided to scare someone and came up with a terrible plan — it’s just crazy, regardless of background. How many broken lives! And how many it is necessary to clarify after committing such attacks! May God forgive the damned organizers! Yes he will comfort those who mourn their loved ones!”
El Models: the 11 victims of the terrorist attack in the subway of Saint Petersburg
JUAN_JOSé_DELGADO: “Another suicide bombing fanatics. It is sad to realize that none of the European countries are not immune from this infection. My sincere condolences to the families of the victims in St. Petersburg — this beautiful city where I’ve been…”
MADRILENA61: “What savages! Poor people!”
PERSONPERSON: “the Questionnaire. Who could it make?
A. The Chechens
B. The Ukrainians
C. Syrian jihadists
D. Other”
El Comercio: Russia: 11 victims of the terrorist attack in the subway of Saint Petersburg
Martin Rengifo Braga: “Be Strong, Russia! My condolences to the innocent victims of the terrorist attack. I am sure that such brave people like you, not be frightened and will give a decent answer…”
Adan Vi: “Russia does not occur in other countries. That they come to Russia. It is the largest country in the world, and we have a long border that must be protected. But a number of NATO to support any attacks on the Russian government. Israel and the US are funding all of this. People are ambitious and reasonable until, until you lose control, and then the end will come”.
MARTIN MOLINA VIDAL TAYPE: “despicable terrorist attack. Russia has always been a strong country, its people brave and bold. He managed to defeat powerful enemies, to whom retreated the other. I have no doubt that now the answer is definitive. Russia will crush the terrorists without mercy and compassion.”
Clarín: Attack in Russia: the victims of the explosion in the subway of Saint-Petersburg was 11 people
Ricardo R Almafuerte: “I don’t understand why so much hatred, so much bigotry. I don’t understand why kill if there are less painful means. What is clear is that if Russia gets mad, it’ll end badly, unfortunately.”
matias fangio: “Let the Islamists will pay for this act! Act tough, Vladimir Putin!”
Eduardo Tomas blanco: “My condolences. Vladimir Putin knows how to deal with these people. He will spare them, as the French or the Belgians. In Siberia, there are still camps of the Gulag, is the perfect place for these terrorists, where they can truly repent for their actions. Guantanamo is a five star hotel compared to them.”