Date of terrorist attack in St. Petersburg coincided with the date of appearance in Russia of the law on the Federal security service. About this in Facebook wrote Russian financier and blogger Slava Rabinovich.
“For some, today is the Day of death. And for some birthday. You know who? 3 April 1995 was signed the law “About bodies of Federal security service of the Russian Federation”, — he wrote.
In addition, the blogger cited other “important” dates that coincided with the resonant crimes.
“Nemtsov was killed on February 27, 2015. It was the Day of his death, 27 Feb 2015 Vladimir Putin has set the Day of the special operations Forces. The day of their birth,” he wrote.
Recall, April 3, in the subway in Saint Petersburg on the stretch between metro stations “Sennaya square” and “Institute of Technology” explosion. Another explosive device was discovered and defused at the station “Ploschad Vosstaniya”.
According to the latest data, as a result of the terrorist attack in the subway of Saint-Petersburg 11 people were killed, 45 injured are in hospitals.