April fool’s day: TOP 5 funny SMS to 1 April

Today, April 1, the Day of laughter or as it is called, April fool’s Day. In this day people play with friends, or just to make fun of them.

Website Today gathered the TOP 5 most funny messages can be easily sent by SMS and to amuse his friends.


Daily carefully wipe the screen of a mobile phone – you are hard to see! The monitoring service.


April fool’s day – April first,
Mark today from the heart!
But better – the whole week
Have fun and dance.

And most importantly – today’s jokes
It is impossible not to understand
And better any minute
Seriously do not perceive!


Your sexual lack of restraint blocks the mobile phone signal. Urgently have sex, and then your account will be charged 100 UAH


You have not forgotten yet –
April fool’s day today or a fool?
Who is not a fool – laughing heartily.
Fool’s mad in his own wilderness.

So let laughter burst eardrum
And mouths are not closed until
Over us funny laughs loudly
A day of laughter. Or the fool?


Attention! Your phone will self destruct in 30 seconds! Quickly throw it in the trash, the toilet or the man you hate more than life!

Earlier it was reported that there are ideas of funny jokes, pranks and jokes on 1 April.

