The protests in Minsk: a lot of new security forces and detention

Today, March 26, beginning at noon on October square in Minsk gathered a few dozen people. As reported people came out in solidarity with detained members on the eve of freedom Day.

Police officers under the supervision of the chief of the Minsk OMON Dmitry Balaba first asked everyone to disperse. The speaker warned the audience about what is concerning them can be applied physical force and special means.

“All gatherings are illegal,” said the audience Dmitry Balaba.

According to the publication, after a team of police “detained.” the square was approached by two paddy wagons. Detained several dozen people. Among them — human rights activist Tatyana Ravyaka and Director of “Art-Sazy” Paul Belous, the journalist Roman Protasevich.

Witnesses also report that since the morning in the center of Minsk continue to be on duty more than a dozen police vehicles. Machine around the perimeter of the Oktyabrskaya square, Republic Palace and the area of the Kupala theatre.

The Belarusian opposition planned to hold on March 25 in Minsk two actions against the law on parasites and to celebrate the “freedom Day”. Minsk authorities have proposed a “freedom Day” in the Park of Friendship of Peoples, but the organizers did not agree to such terms.

Promotions to celebrate the “freedom Day” also took place in other Belarusian cities: Gomel, Vitebsk, Grodno and Brest. Agreed they were only in the last two cities.

In Minsk they ended in mass arrests. The defenders were the hundreds of detainees.

Towards evening the people began to release from the police, certain without a Protocol.

