How Ukrainians assess the life: in the first place – health and family, and the troubles of the third blames the state

The majority of Ukrainians are in General satisfied with their lives, while nine families out of ten the income is enough only for food. These are the results of the research assessment by households of Ukraine of their income level, conducted by the state statistics service. Experts say that in 2017 the level of life may improve due to the increase in the minimum wage, but on the condition that the exchange rate of the dollar and inflation will rise strongly.

VALUES. As you can see from the infographic, the main values in life for nearly 95% of Ukrainians consider health, family relationships and children. Other priorities — wealth, career, confidence in the future — together accounted for slightly more than 5%.
While 738 thousand (4,9%) of families admit that they are malnourished. Of these, 80 thousand families admitted that hot eat only once a day, 1000 families in General, there were cases when people ate from one to three days.

Fortunately, it did not affect families with children. But there are not without problems. 166 thousands of families do not have the opportunity to buy the children an Apple or a glass of juice, almost 85 thousand families are treated to sweet children only three or four times a month, and finally 39 thousand families are unable to give the kids money for school lunch.

In his troubles the Ukrainians blame not only the government (such only 30%). Almost 60% of respondents share responsibility for the hard life between the state and themselves, and 10% believe that their problems are to blame themselves.

EXPERTS. The President Ukranalittsentra Alexander Ohrimenko said that last year, first, the continued separation of people by income level, and secondly, because of the high inflation 2014-2015, when prices rose nearly 80%, even less became middle class. “Hence, a number of people with low incomes. But while postponing for the future would more than double the 6% of the population. Just people, especially the young, prefer to spend small money (about 10-15 thousand UAH a year) now while they are worth something, than to save for the Deposit. For example, to buy fashionable clothes and gadgets, to rest.” He predicted that in 2017 may decrease the number of people with insufficient incomes, because the increased minimum wage. For example, to previously received 2000 UAH current 3200 UAH is a very large amount which will at least eat normally.

Data of the state statistics about the level of income is not surprised, and experts Nielsen Ukraine. Here is their review: “On the basis of statements by consumers we also see that every third in Ukraine there are no available funds after covering all the necessary costs, such as buying food and paying utility bills, and someone and buy drugs, if the family is sick. It is difficult to imagine that people will indulge in food, hence 43%. But the consumers in the half-empty wallet continue to save. Throughout 2016, nearly half of consumers in Ukraine have argued that now is a bad time for making new purchases. It doesn’t matter whether people buy food, clothes or makeup, they continue to seek products discount: 63% of buyers is the most preferred type of product promotion in the store, whereas in the year 2015, the discount was only 44%. Encouraged by the fact that half of the population of Ukraine continues to believe in the future and satisfied with their lives”.

Counselor Alexey Vasiliev sure respondents do not dissemble, arguing that health and family for them at times is more important than prosperity: “Our people are trained to endure the difficulties of life, so for most food on the table and the required minimum other good things of life — that’s good. No health — nothing. Also the right of the majority, believing that the standard of living depends on the state and the citizen. But surprised by the high level of infantilism of people who still believe that the state is obliged to take care of them. This is despite the fact that in 25 years a new generation of people who are not experienced for yourself what a cheap sausage, free apartments and the total deficit at the same time”.

