Scammers buy up loans of Ukrainians in insolvent banks

The Deposit guarantee Fund of individuals (fgvfl) has been receiving more complaints from borrowers of insolvent banks on the proposals from the obscure financial institutions on repurchase of the outstanding loans. This was reported on the website of the Fund.

“In recent years, cases of complaints from borrowers of insolvent banks on dubious offers from the little-known financial organizations that offer to redeem the balance on their loans at a discount”, – stated in the message.

The Fund emphasizes that such actions of foreign organizations without the knowledge of the Bank qualifies as “fraud” and entail the responsibility stipulated by law.

Borrowers in the case of cooperation with such organizations bear all risks associated with their money and possessions.

The Foundation also encourages all customers of insolvent banks to report cases of receipt of such a dubious, potentially fraudulent offers from third parties to the Department of investigations of wrongful acts.

The Deposit guarantee Fund said that the facts will be investigated, and the collected material is transferred to law enforcement agencies.

Recall, according to the DGF, almost 80% of the value of assets of liquidated banks, according to reports of independent appraisers, exist only “on paper”.

So, loans accounted for 80% of the assets of insolvent banks. Almost the entire loan portfolio of insolvent banks (90% of total debt) is problematic and is not in service.

According to the Foundation, less than 5% of the number of borrowers continue to perform in front of the Bank with its obligations after the recognition of its insolvency.

