Died poet of the new York group, Bohdan Boychuk

At the age of 89 years died a Ukrainian poet-modernist, one of the founders of the new York group Bohdan Boychuk. It is reported zaxid.net.

The poet died 10 Feb. Bogdan Boychuk was born 11 October 1927 in the village Bertnyky Ternopil region. In 1944 he was taken to forced labor in Germany, where he remained after the war in a displaced persons camp in Aschaffenburg.

In 1949 pan Boychuk moved to new York. In 1957, educated in electronics and City College of new York and worked in this area until 1992.

In the 1950-ies Bohdan Boychuk becomes a co-founder of the new York group of poets, exiles, and later edits the publication “Novi Pot”, “SWT-View”, “Suchasnist”. He published his own poetry, dramatic works and prose, translated from the Spanish, English, Russian and Ukrainian.

He is the author of six poetry collections, two novels, eight plays, and many translations. Boychuk was a member of the National Union of writers of Ukraine. Lived in Glen Spey and in Kiev.

