Trump has called “shameful” the decision of the court according to the decree on temporary ban on immigration

The President of the United States Donald trump criticized the decision of the district court of appeal to extend the ban on his decree on the issue of immigration from seven Muslim countries.

“This is a shameful decision!” – said the American President.

Earlier it was reported that the court of appeal upheld a ban on the execution of the decree of the President of the United States to refuse the entry of the citizens of seven States with a predominantly Muslim population.

“Instead of providing evidence, require the adoption of such a decree, the administration has taken the position, in accordance with which we should not even consider the President’s decision. We disagree,” reads the court’s decision.

The Ministry of justice has indicated that it intends to challenge the decision of the court of appeal. Observers do not exclude that the proceedings may be transferred to the Supreme court.

Earlier, trump had signed a decree limiting at 120 days, the admission of new refugees, as well as banning the issuance of entry visas to citizens of Iran, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Syria, Somalia and the Sudan.

The court in Seattle imposed a ban on the implementation of the decree, the administration tried to challenge the ban in the court of appeal.

