The long echo of tannhäuser

“Who can compare with the “Matilda” mine”, it is time to sing the Russian film industry, breathless with envy. Indeed, Orthodox greyhounds led by the Deputy Natalya Poklonskaya, rushing to bite and torment the yet to be released film by Alexei Uchitel “Matilda” about the novel, the famous ballerina with the future Emperor, have been working hard to advance the pictures. Now even those who never heard about Kschessinska and the Teacher will be interested and if I didn’t support the movie, then download it on the pirate sites. Although, of course, the filmmakers nerves are pretty Pat, and not do, how it will end.

I remember two years ago, when a wave of discontent “Tannhauser” by Timothy of kulyabina, most still naively believed that draconian measures will not come, make some noise and will calm down that the play will protect from attacks. Not at all — and the show closed, and Director of the theatre was removed. Also the makers of “Matilda” I would be worried.

About the conflict much has been written and said. No sane person can seriously relate to the arguments of Orthodox extremists and their adherents in the Duma in the face of Poklonskaya, is considered unacceptable interference in private life of the canonized Emperor and take liberties with the facts of history. God will judge them — they seem to have some kind of a special, separate God, under the dictation of which they write their protests. This God is most likely in direct contact with Polonskaya, where he delivers the wishes of the last Russian Emperor. Pleases only that on kanatchikovo cottage is enough space for everyone.

Than not hit anyone else seen the film officials of the Russian Orthodox Church, is also understandable. Officials of the Russian Orthodox Church, blessed the secular authorities, not even annoyed by the idea of studying the details of the erotic preferences of Nicholas II, how many failed, in their opinion, the time of the film. Rent “Matilda” is supposed to start in October 2017, in the midst of the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the October revolution. Quoting popular Hierarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, Putin’s Confessor Tikhon Shevkunov. “A century of the collapse of the dynasty it is imperative to meet Hollywood heart-wrenching melodrama? And then the way the love triangle with explicit scenes?” Yeah, slip is not the time. Not at the moment started you guys, its hollywoodin — the 100th anniversary of the collapse of the dynasty on the nose. And then — “vengeful, envious, Alexandra, unhappy, wonderful, gorgeous Matilda, weak-willed Nicholas, throwing it to one or the other. Hugs to Matilda’s arms with Alexandra… That it was the author’s vision? No — slander real people” — raging Hierarch.

Turns out this film is, in the opinion of the Russian Orthodox Church, interfere with the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the revolution, showing that the house of Romanov was not so clean house roaches, there were found multitudes. And it turns out, the very idea of monarchy, which is now so close to the authorities, and — of course — ROC, quite vulnerable. It is at this point very uncomfortable — after all, the President-elect in the eyes of the electorate must be God’s chosen. But if God’s chosen, and even canonized, behaved at C grade, why do we return again to this hotbed of frivolous relationships? Something like this, I think, can be explained by the discontent of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Dissatisfaction Alexey Uchitel also understandable. Although it just want something to remind and explain. Namely, if you sign a nasty letter in support of the extraction of the territory of a neighboring state, and then the letter, among various other factors are the cause of the war with this neighboring country, then do not expect that the consequences of such an act you pass by. Of course, “we can not predict how our word will respond”. But the artist, conscious of his responsibility to society, to culture, to history, should at least know that it necessarily will respond, sooner or later, in one form or another. So the Teacher I wouldn’t be too outraged — his signature is forever emblazoned the letter in support of the deceitful and aggressive policy. The word already said. Get a ringing echo.

But the saddest thing is not even that. The sad thing is that because the story of “Matilda” — this is not the beginning. That is, of course, could be much worse, but we missed the beginning. We saw him, but wiped her face, pretended not to notice. We are all a little Alexei Uchitel — first allow abuse of freedom, and then do the house edge. Did 14 years ago, in the winter of 2003, one and all came to the defense of the exhibition “Caution, religion!” in the Sakharov center? And then, when two years later the court found the Director of the centre Yury Samodurov and the employee of the center Lyudmila Vasilovsky guilty of inciting national and religious hatred — are all then still not to the same extent as it is now, scared and cowardly, the media rushed to defend the prisoners? No — broke discussion: is it possible to mock the saints?

Of course, to smash the bad exhibition, but… This “but” in many ways led to what we have now. This “but” has given way to censorship, which by that time had managed to recover, began to grow, and then imperceptibly degenerated into the law on protection of feelings of believers. And were no longer a threat, but a reality and the court on pussy Riot and an Orgy around the “Tannhauser”, and the pogroms of exhibitions, and the attacks on “Matilda”. And how many more to come!

Too late I realized it — we have already put in a certain position, from which it is difficult and absurd to protest. We’re even in the Swamp appeared in this position in which we have put a humiliating series of horrific injustices. You might think, it was not long before the abolition of gubernatorial elections, the operation “successor”, election fraud, and many other things, including the trial of the organizers of the exhibition “Caution, religion!” It is only in the epics, the hero could lay 33 years on the furnace and go for strong feet to crush the enemy. In life so does not happen, and will sometimes atrophies faster limbs.

Network now walks a letter of Russian filmmakers against censorship — say, not allow a new wave of censorship. If the previous wave has stopped. Of the renowned names there — Andrey Smirnov, Boris Khlebnikov, Andrey Proshkin, Alexey Fedorchenko, Vitaly Mansky, Marina Razbezhkina, Pavel Lungin (by the way, Pavel Semyonitch, but what about supporting the President’s policies — you train together with a Teacher was married?) Only about 50 signatures. Sparsely, of course, for the Guild of solidarity and protest against censorship. On the other hand, you can understand and those who do not want to take part in the loyal opposition film and pravoslavnata and they both kiss one icon, just with different sides. As they say, “you both good.” Nibbling without us, especially since we’re still late.


