In the US to demand passwords to social networks in the provision of visas media

According to Sky News, now discussing the option to require foreign nationals when applying for a U.S. visa to provide passwords to their social media accounts.

On Washington’s plans said the Minister of internal security of the country, John Kelly. According to him, first of all innovation should apply the seven countries with a predominantly Muslim population whose citizens enter the United States temporarily banned, according to the migration decree of the President of Donald trump. Is Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen.

Speaking at a hearing of the Committee on homeland security of the house of representatives of the United States, Kelly said that currently it is very difficult to truly test these people. “If they enter, we need to know what web sites they visit, and obtain their passwords. So we’ll see what they do online,” said the Minister. The refusal to grant access to their accounts will be regarded as refusal to cooperate that will automatically entail a denial of US visa.

We will remind, the decree of the trump “On the protection of the country from the entry of foreign terrorists” were signed on 27 January and was the most resonant solution for the first days of the new administration.

