10 refreshing drinks that will replace your morning coffee

If you do not think in the morning without a Cup of strong coffee, but still want to reduce the amount of consumed caffeine – you’ll appreciate a selection of recipes for refreshing drinks. To better prepare them immediately before use. In this case, you will get the maximum benefit, and the taste is lovely, writes likar.info.

1. Grapefruit-Apple juice with cinnamon

One grapefruit, one sweet Apple, pinch of cinnamon, 100 ml of water – so the juice will help to Wake up in the morning and remain awake for a few hours. In addition, it is very tasty.

2. Hot chocolate with spices

Hot chocolate can add spices: black pepper, cloves, nutmeg, cardamom, cinnamon. So in addition to the beloved chocolate flavor you will receive a vivacity and good mood. This drink will be a great flu remedy, as it stimulates nonspecific immunity.

3. Tea with lemon and ginger

This drink is a great means of prevention for the flu season. Tea with ginger and lemon it is better to cook in kettle with pressure – so you can get from lemon juice. Ginger root better to use fresh and shred on grater. For a drink you can take black and green tea.

4. Endive with ginger

Familiar from childhood drink chicory can be a great substitute for coffee. The taste resembles a favorite coffee, but no caffeine. Ginger is composed of a hot drink releases more active substances that help maintain vigor.

5. Chicory with chocolate and red pepper

Pinch of hot pepper in the Cup of hot chicory will give a piquancy to the drink and will be an invigorating component. In a Cup of prepared chicory add 20-30 g of shavings of chocolate, sugar or honey.

6. Cranberry with sugar

Cranberries are rich in vitamin C, and sugar – energy. Pour cranberries with sugar, mash with a spoon directly into the mug and pour in the warm water.

7. Honey with lemon and cinnamon

Pour a pinch of cinnamon and lemon in hot water, cool and add honey.

8. Vegetable juice

The juice from fresh vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals. To drink perfect tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, carrots, celery, fresh beets.

9. Green tea with cherries and mint

This drink is very refreshing and invigorating. Brew green tea with mint, place a few fresh cherries and mash them with a spoon to let the cherry juice.

10. Orange drink

One orange cut into slices, pour warm water in the kettle with the press and press the orange piston. If orange is not sweet – add honey to taste.

