“National interests,” security “direct democracy” — the basis of the program of the National front

144 promises of the presidential candidate of the National front were announced Saturday night in Lyon at the opening of the campaign. In the program of marine Le Pen promises to “bring France in five years.”

The main points of the campaign in 2017, marine Le Pen was published in the newspaper Challenges a few days before the start of the first campaign rally of the National front in Lyon. The leadership did not like that someone “leaked” information to the newspaper. On Sunday in his closing speech, marine Le Pen will have to open the program from 144 pledges, which were announced on Saturday 4 February.

The program of the candidate is published on 12 pages and is divided into seven chapters (France, “free”, “safe”, “prosperous”, “fair”, “proud”, “strong”, with sustainable development) and 144 of the promises, the details of which will be disclosed in the course of the campaign. “My goal is an effective revolution in the near future,” she writes in the Preface, before asking voters to make a choice between “two positions”: “globalization” and “patriotism”.

In Lyon, marine Le Pen wants to bring his supporters to the program created on the basis of the program in 2012. Five years ago, the head of the National front made a list of the 12 “promises” all the main themes — from the economy to security, family, school and Europe. In 2017 it is based on the same ideological basis, but predecesso numerous amendments, while the reference points of the program in 2012 (positions on the issue of immigration and security) has not changed: a 15 thousand police officers, centralization of tasks of the police and gendarmerie, actual life imprisonment (the death penalty was excluded from the program), 40 thousand people in prison, the automatic expulsion of foreign criminals, the abolition of the right to French nationality of persons born and raised in France, liquidation of entities associated with the Islamic fundamentalists, deprivation of citizenship rights of any holder of dual citizenship, associated with jihadism, the return of the penalty of deprivation of civil rights. Security Le Pen provides a way out of NATO, increase defense budget to 3% in 2018, and the construction of a second aircraft carrier (“Richelieu”).

Tax credit for low income

One of the main promises, Le Pen is due to purchasing power. It maintains the proposal to introduce a social tax on imports at the rate of 3% of the value of imported goods, but proposes to use the income from this tax to increase by 200 Euro salaries below 1,500 euros. She also intends to turn the new resource tax credit in the amount of about 80 euros a month, calling it a premium purchasing power. With regard to housing rights, it also wants to reduce the duty on registration of ownership by 10%, to simplify the registration of ownership, create a program of housing benefits for young people through the allocation of targeted housing benefits (+25%). It also plans to introduce a priority the reduction of tariffs for gas and electricity by 5%.

In the national interest the national front called for the introduction of mandatory labelling “Made in France” and the priority of French enterprises in public procurement. Deputy Chairman of the National front Florian Filippo (Florian Philippot) indicated that a tax on labor contracts with the companies where foreigners work, including immigrants from the European Union, can be up to 10% of their gross income. Reducing taxes on companies is provided after the introduction of the reform in welfare Services for independent workers.

As regards taxation, the Le Pen suggests reducing the income tax by 10% for the first three tranches of the loan, as well as tax cuts for low-profit enterprises. In the center of the program, the fight against tax and social fraud.

Proportional voting system

In secular matters, marine Le Pen continues to speak out against all forms of “communitarianism”, proposing the expansion of the scope of the 2004 law on the restriction of the wearing of religious symbols in schools to any ostentatious symbols in public places.

A supporter of national initiatives referendums and “direct democracy”, marine Le Pen offers on all national and local elections to apply the proportional system of voting with a 30-percent majority. It also proposes to abandon regional and inter-municipal division in favor of departments and municipalities. In defence of Le Pen insists on increasing the budget at 2% to 3% over five years, starting in 2018.

With regard to policy in relation to families, the program provides for the repeal of the law Tobira, authorized to enter into homosexual marriages, and the abolition of the labour law. It is envisaged reform Treaty on civil marriage. Marine Le Pen wants to return to the reform of the educational periods and favoured the education based on “fundamental knowledge”.

Supporter of sovereignty, Le Pen wants to organize a referendum to revise the Constitution, which will be the basis of its reforms. It is known that in relation to the EU and the single currency it wants gradually, through preliminary negotiations within the EU, to achieve the four types of independence (economic, monetary, legislative and territorial).

Finally, the new strategic source of innovation economic development of the country to become an Overseas territory of France.

