Tatyana’s day: history and traditions of the holiday

Today is Tatiana day. The name of the holiday comes from the name of the Christian Martyr Tatiana of Rome, who suffered for his faith in Rome in the THIRD century.

The history of the holiday

As told by the vicar of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra Metropolitan Pavel (Lebed), Tatiana had a hard life.

“When she turned 16, she loved God with all his heart. She helped the sick, visited people in the hospital, carrying food and clothing. When the Emperor was a 16-year-old Alexander, the state was ruled by another man who hated Christianity. He called Tatyana, and began to persuade her to renounced Christ,” said Metropolitan Pavlo (Lebed).

When Tatyana refused to carry out the will of others, she’s made a terrible torture. But every time her wounds healed and her abusers were punished.

Inquisitorial court sentenced Tatiana to death, and the Martyr was canonized, said the Metropolitan Pavel (Lebed).

In addition, Tatiana considered the patron of students.


In Tatiana day light candles for success in school. The Martyr Tatiana pray in difficult teaching and education; the Sainted Savva pray for different ailments; the mother of God “nursing the child” pray about childbirth, the breast milk, lack of breast milk, and the health of infants.

Sayings and signs of this day

  • In the cold judged about the weather in spring and summer.
  • On this day, women have built balls of yarn as tight as you can and larger to the cabbages had been grown taut and large.
  • The villagers believed that the woman born in this day will be a good housewife: “Tatiana and loaf bakes, and rugs on the river beats, and the dance is.”
  • Tatiana will the sun peep early — early bird arrival.
  • If Tatiana frosty and clear — will be a good crop; heat and storm — to crop failures.

Earlier, the Governor of Kiev-Pechersk Lavra spoke about the Holy Martyr Tatiana.

