What a teenager thinks about the future when trump

In his inaugural speech, the President of trump three times mentioned factories. And every time Matt gane (Matt Gane) applauded, because it seemed like the country’s new leader talks about his hometown.

17-year-old Gein boarded the bus from Delaware County, Pennsylvania, to see how trump will bring the presidential oath. He, along with his father ed, who develops projects for local industrial companies, stood at the edge of the National Mall where the Capitol seemed to be the size of a Dollhouse.

“One by one the factories closed and left our shores,’ said the tramp with a giant screen above their heads. And no one thought about the millions and millions of American workers that are left behind.”

Gein is too young, so he couldn’t vote in the elections in November. However, he supported trump, who complained about the state of the American economy is exactly the same as his father. On Friday, January 20, he was dressed in a blue sweatshirt with the word “Trump for President”, and his iPhone he photographed the giant trump on the screen. Drops of rain from time to time fell on his glasses.

“Politicians thrived, and jobs were lost and factories closed, continued trump. — Establishment defended itself, and not citizens of our country.”

Next year Gein finishes school in Aston township, Pennsylvania. He was considering becoming a nurse (his mother) or a teacher at the school. But he believes his father’s work is also quite interesting.

“If trump will keep his promises — he said — if he would return the jobs will have plenty of opportunities.”

Since 2001, the number of jobs in industrial enterprises in the district of Delaware declined by about a third — from 20 to 14 807 701. Over the past five years, the Boeing factory, one of the largest employers in the area, reduced the number of its employees from 6 to 200 4 650 people.

District gain, where the vast majority of people have traditionally been industrial workers, supported Hillary Clinton, albeit with less enthusiasm than he once supported Barack Obama.

59-year-old ed Gein (Ed Gane) says that perhaps this happened because the future seems bleak to them. At one of the companies for which he works, recently cut a third of the state. He hoped that trump would fulfill his promise and will seek renegotiation of the North American free trade agreement, which, in his opinion, and triggered a leak of jobs from the United States.

“Where I come from, kids get degrees in engineering, and then forced to work in McDonald’s restaurants, he said. — If there is no industrial production, engineers are not needed”.

Over the past two decades, the U.S. has lost approximately 5 million jobs, and economists attribute this to a confluence of Commerce and technology. The debate about what led to the loss of jobs in the first place, continuing, however, the authors of a study recently conducted by the state University ball Indiana, came to the conclusion that the negative total on the number of jobs affected by the introduction of new equipment that allowed factories to produce more goods, involving the production of fewer people.

Trump didn’t say anything about this aspect of automation, but he threatened to raise tariffs on goods — particularly cars that are produced outside the U.S. and sold on their territory. According to analysts, it will be extreme hard to pass bills providing for similar measures through Congress.

The States of the industrial belt States most affected by the reduction in the number of jobs in enterprises and, to everyone’s surprise, helped Trump to win. In his speech on Friday, he said: “Rusted factories, like the burial stones scattered across the expanses of our country.”

