The defense Ministry is developing a doctrine of use of APU

The Ministry of defence develops the doctrine of using the Armed forces of Ukraine. This was announced by the speaker of the Ministry Dmitry Gutsulyak during a briefing on Friday, January 13.

“The Ministry of defense continues development of the doctrine of the Armed forces of Ukraine, other military formations and law enforcement bodies”, – said Gutsulyak.

According to him, the basis of the doctrine laid down in the project, which has already been tested.

“Published the main documents that define the use of Armed forces and military formations. The main ones are temporary bases of training and operations of Armed forces of Ukraine, the basis for operations of headquarters, provisional military regulations, mechanized, armored troops, air defense of ground troops, aviation, Radiotechnical troops and anti-aircraft missile troops of the armed forces of Ukraine”, – he said.

Gutsulyak added that will also be considered experience of military operations and NATO standards.

Earlier the President Petro Poroshenko signed a Decree “On decision of national security Council and defense of Ukraine from 20 may 2016 “Strategic defence Bulletin of Ukraine”.

The newsletter is aimed at ensuring practical implementation of the provisions of the Military doctrine of Ukraine and the concept of development of the security sector and defense of Ukraine, determines the strategic and operational objectives of the defense reform and expected results to achieve them given the relevant military and political threats and challenges.

