How to update your resume in 10 minutes: the Council of experts

The job search is important if you want to change something in your life. But in order to find something worthwhile, you need to take care of your summary.

The expert portal PureWow Rachel Bowie told how to quickly and effectively update your resume to make it look modern and fresh, reports “New time”.

1. Add a link to your LinkedIn profile

This is the easiest way for a prospective employer to quickly access your contact information and skills.

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Where in the summary post a link? Right under your name and address at the top of the page. Make sure that the URL included your name ( and wasn’t crazy long string of incomprehensible symbols.

2. Choose a bright color for your name at the top of the summary

And highlight it in bold. This allocation will attract the attention of potential employer and can even be deposited in his memory.

3. Remove your target

The majority of hiring managers staff interviewed Rachel Bowie noted that this row is a summary only distracts from the fact that the candidates with the decorated goal drop out more often.

4. Replace General information specific

These words in the summary as “educated” or “experienced” does not give a clear understanding of what you are an expert. Be more direct and write exactly what you know how to do what he did in the past.

5. Remove the old information

If you finish University, it’s been 10 years or more, delete the old internship sites and work, which are not relevant to your current professional field. If you are looking for a job in the legal field, what information about that in the first year you worked as a waiter?

6. Make sure that you have all skills will work

If a year ago you took vocational courses, write about it. If two years ago you had a business trip and some interesting experience, don’t forget about it. Any experience that is relevant to your industry and keeps pace with the times, important.

