Features of the Czech education: for entry will be very active to prepare for, and attendance check police

Czech Republic — one of the few countries where, according to Ukrainian students, no pilgrimage on the part of our citizens. Especially when compared with other European countries. The reasons, according to a graduate of the Czech technical University (Prague) Ukrainian Olga Dobrinovo — a few.

First, Czech universities not in the top of the international rankings of universities. Secondly, the Czech language is considered more difficult to learn than, for example, Polish. And thirdly, our compatriots difficult to adapt to the educational process. Its peculiarity is that the schedule can be on their own, the presence at the lectures is not marked in the log. And those who decide that a visit is not necessary in the end out of the University and their student visa.


For those who want to pursue higher education in the Czech Republic, it’s worth noting that the evaluation of the graduate at EIT for admission will not be useful, but without notification the student is not to be. “Nostrification — recognition of diploma of secondary education — obligatory — Ob yasnyaet Olga. — In practice, this exam in two subjects of the school curriculum. It will be for the items — defines the Department of education at the place of treatment, when you bring back a statement on the passage of this procedure. Most often it is mathematics and a Humanities subject. The peculiarity is that the exam will be in the Czech language and paid — about 1.5 thousand UAH”.

LANGUAGE IN ADVANCE. Therefore, to go to enter the Czech Republic spontaneously will not work — will have to learn the language of the country, and at a level sufficient for learning. Usually, according to the Ukrainians, it takes about two years of intensive training.

“I started learning Czech in the 9th grade, and in the middle of the 11th passed the international exam — says our interlocutor. At the end of the study I had conducted the negotiations with the Department of education on the recognition of the certificate and with several universities about entrance exams. About which universities who teach, can be found on the website studyin.cz and naric.cz. After that, the University can learn which exams should be returned to the applicant and schedule change. Commercial colleges accept applications all year round, but in the state — in a strictly specified time (we need to monitor their websites)”.

After submission you need to pay for their consideration — from 300 to 1 thousand UAH, and prepare to go to the Czech Republic for the exams.

“In some universities, in addition to exams, there is also a practice interview, but mostly commercial, — explained the girl. — The state will be examinations in the subjects taught and the language or comparative exams (tests on law, Economics, philosophy, psychology, etc.) in which it appears-minded applicants. Each exam fee — approximately 500 UAH.”


The advantage of Czech public universities is that the tuition is free even for foreigners. Commercial knowledge will have to pay 2500 Euro (75 thousand UAH) per year. Students from other countries contribute housing benefit — about 2 thousand UAH. You can also obtain a stipend for the successful studies or to apply for research and travel (about 12 to 15 thousand UAH per month).

Unusual for our students and the fact that you can create your own schedule and exam in one discipline, usually held a few times (split into tasks). “Your schedule is a big plus, because during the week you can leave 1-2 days off, which most of the students spend part time, — says Olga Dobrunov. — Ukrainian can work as many hours as the citizen of the Czech Republic. Payment per hour is 150-200 UAH, and lucky enough to find something more interesting, and 300-350 UAH. Work part time mostly at cafes/restaurants, archives, etc.”

For work — up to 350 UAH per hour


Many Ukrainians agree that learning is convenient when you are invested in the process. All information necessary to the student, including schedules, scores, questions to lecturers and answers can be found in his personal profile on the website of the University. In addition, where teachers post additional information for independent work, as well as the latest information on the relevant faculty research.

Self-organization. The student is responsible for obtaining knowledge. Lecturers often do not mark attendance, but if the couple got the inspectors police the aliens — the absence of the classroom can become the object of attention. Such a student may lose their student visa and be repatriated. “If self-organization is lame, you can get problems and be forced to leave the country. I personally met these students,” says Dobrunov. According to the girl, it is also important not to miss a semester of work: this can not be admitted to the exam, and the debt is very crippled performance.

DISCOUNTS. For students in the Czech Republic has all the conditions for self-development. The country provides the maximum discounts at cinemas, theatres, museums and sports clubs, they can also save in transport, cafes and shops (10 to 50%).

