How to choose a photo for online Dating sites: scientific approach

If you plan to register on the Dating site, then the photo for your profile, do not select themselves, but entrust this important job to someone else.

This researchers found that assure that the outsiders much better to choose the most attractive photo, reported in the journal of Cognitive Research: Principles and Implications.

The experiment involved 102 people. Of the 12 private photos they had to choose the one that, in their opinion, is most suitable for registering on the Dating site and which is the least suitable. Then they had to do the same for another member. The rest was to assess the selected photo and note how the people on them are attractive, credible, etc.

The results showed that self-selected photos, made a less favourable impression than a selected outsiders.

In the future, the researchers want to find out what mechanisms underlie choices and why people may not be able to choose the most attractive for the other photo.

