Five candidates, five approaches

“I share said Francois Fillon”. The candidate of the right well would cost without such a compliment. In the mouth of Emmanuel Macron, it becomes simply destructive. In this gruelling campaign, Francois Fillon need to stand out against the former Minister of françois Hollande, not to give part of their voters to switch sides.

However, the Makron than once emphasized their common ground: to return to the teaching of the “fundamental” subjects at school, on education, on police stations, state agencies, for which they would like to question, and on the Euro, which they protect against marine Le Pen, healthcare… Fillon diligently tried to mention their differences, including about the migration policies of Angela Merkel. But the current favorite in polls was obsessed with, to maintain your all-inclusive, but is compatible with many image of the candidate.

In these debates Emmanuel macron wanted to get a Central position. In every sense of the word. According to the proposals. By the tone of rhetoric with emphasis on “pragmatism,” which he contrasts ideological “principles.” In some way, even joyful acceptance of the fact that he becomes the target of criticism from all its competitors: the attack on Benoit Amon (Amon Benoît) to show himself as living proof of the renewal of political life, the impact on marine Le Pen to demonstrate the ability to respond and resent.

In General, Emmanuel macron has done everything to become the best contender of the leader of the National front. This strategy pursues two goals. Because the presence of marine Le Pen in the second round now seems as a given by most analysts and politicians, he wants from the start to secure the idea of your duel with her. Then, waving the flag of the struggle with the far right, it shows left to the electorate that the “useful vote” against Le Pen is to vote for him and not Benoit Amon.

Marine Le Pen also relished criticism from all the other candidates: françois Fillon at the exit from the Eurozone, Jean-Luc Mélenchon (Jean-Luc Mélenchon) by secular society, from Benoit Amon at school and Emmanuel Macron at the burqini… Her task was to demonstrate the integrity of the positions (“I want to stop immigration, then everything is clear, and I admit it”), while her opponents (with the exception of Jean-Luc Mélenchon) searched the details and tried to find a balance.

Francois Fillon, in turn, do not like Boxing matches. He did not try to fight or provoke opponents. Sometimes it could create the impression that he distanciruemsa from the debate. However, for him it was a way to stand out with respectful behavior and serious offers. In addition, he always returned to the most important, including a reminder that the fight against unemployment is above the reform of institutions.

Finally, the debate allowed us to draw a line between Benoit Hamon and Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Both are for the most part refrain from mutual attacks, but the fervor and wit of the candidate from “the Rebellious French” become a significant asset.

