North Korea carried out a new missile launch at sea

Nuclear-armed North Korea launched the “unknown projectile” in the sea East of the Peninsula early Monday morning.

About reported the Ministry of defense of South Korea, AFP writes, transfers “Ukrainian truth”.

The projectile was launched from the province’s-Do around 7:36 on South Korean time, said the Ministry. The Ministry added that it fell into the sea of Japan.

As reported, the previous launch of a ballistic missile, which, according to the statement of Pyongyang, is a new type of strategic weapons capable of carrying nuclear warheads were carried out on 12 February. As reported by North Korean state news Agency KCNA, the tests personally supervised North Korean leader Kim Jong-UN.

After that, the President of the United States Donald trump called North Korea a “big problem” with which the United States will be dealt with very harshly. And the Security Council (SB) the United Nations unanimously condemned a missile test by Pyongyang, calling it a “grave violation” of security Council resolutions.

Last year, North Korea carried out eight attempts of the test launch of a ballistic medium-range missiles, of which only one was successful.

In the fall of 2016, the UN security Council imposed new sanctions against North Korea.

