“You goat”: Andrei Bogdan I walk the dog in the Kiev zoo (video)

The former official barely the ear of the animal does not come off

The former head of the Office of the President Andriy Bogdan was seen in Kiev zoo, where he came with his dog to gawk at the animals. But as it turned out, not only to admire but also to touch.

The journalist Roman Sukhan posted a video in which Bogdan entertained themselves and the children, seizing the animal by the ear and “almost took” it. Then he also lightly palm slapped the animal on the head with the words: “you stupid Goat”.

The journalist also noted that the zoo was full of people and quarantine if no one heard – almost all without masks.

Video: Facebook/Roman Dry

As reported “Today”, may 23, opened a Kyiv zoo, which formed a huge queue. Apparently, Kiev has missed the nature walks and on Sunday rushed EN masse to visit the world of animals. Recall now the zoo works in Park mode. However, you can see a lot of animals. In the zoo explained why there was a huge queue.

