Le Monde (France): the power of the gates Foundation reflects the weakness of the state

And I want to say that the US has two sides. Eagle — the President, whose unilateral policies and love of provocation, turned against him even the most patient of allies. Brute force in its purest form. Tails — the man most admired by people around the world, according to the British polling company YouGov in 41 countries: it’s bill gates. Billionaire, philanthropist, founder and former head of Microsoft does not take any political positions, but if anyone can serve as the embodiment of America’s soft power in 2020, so it’s definitely him.

Nobody in the world spends more (literally and figuratively) on health care than the 64-year-old billionaire, who heads the Foundation, in which he invested $ 36 billion from personal funds.

For 20 years he, along with his wife Melinda and another billionaire-philanthropist Warren Buffett has transformed the Fund into the largest private charitable organization in the world. Today, the gates Foundation has become a significant international player in the field of health and development.

If Donald trump has halted U.S. funding of the who in the midst of the pandemic, bill gates refocused the entire Fund to fight covid-19 and made 305 million dollars. It sponsors the search for a cure and vaccine prepares the factories around the world, their production when they are ready because “we have never issued 7 billion of vaccines.”

The white house to deal with preparations for the June summit “the seven”, but still did not provide any initiatives, while bill gates urges governments to take a common program of struggle against the novel coronavirus. When bill gates is on the phone, take the leaders all over the world, including France.

His flurry of activity can not but cause irritation. In recent weeks he has become a target of the opponents of vaccines and isolation. Conspiracy theorists of all stripes just broke loose. According to Yahoo News, and YouGov, 44% of the Republican electorate believe that he wants to use the vaccine from covid-19, to introduce them with a GPS tracker.

Government caught off guard

Who’s afraid of bill gates? Pandemic covid-19 provided him with a world podium. But it is already in her first year, though all of his appeals, we must admit, left a void in the public presentation Ted Talk in 2015 when he said that humanity can wait even more terrible epidemic than Ebola from a year earlier, went everywhere during isolation. Too late…

The government was caught unawares, and the shock is so strong that the warnings of bill gates began to produce a variety of misconceptions. Who interferes with his Foundation? In fact, to anyone. But the fact is that the strengthening of its Foundation is the manifestation of the spaces of States and the weakening of world governance.

Note that the gates Foundation is involved in funding “Monde Africa” and other projects of major European Newspapers, for coverage of development issues in the media. This partnership involves complete editorial independence and does not generate any relations with the activities of the Fund.

The life and personality of bill gates can be the explanation of a number put forward in his address claims. At the age of 20 he dropped out of Harvard to create an IT company with Paul Allen. In 40 years he was in charge of the global giant, which strangled all competition. In 45 years he has filed an appeal against the decision to disband the Microsoft Federal judge Thomas Penfield Jackson, who compared the pride of the gates with Napoleon. As a result, all resulted in a trial for abuse of a monopoly position. In the same year 2000 he decided to devote himself created along with his wife to Fund philanthropic impulse due to the huge wealth which he had obtained through the fusion of high technology with wall street.

The rivalry with the States

Bill gates is doing everything responsibly. He runs his Fund as a company, strives for efficiency and effectiveness. He invested part of his fortune, as well as a passion for science, reading and everything that makes the world go round. He hides this passion in public, but she slips up when he talks in a narrow circle about the latest book you’ve read, climate change, future medical discoveries or another political scandal.

Environmentalists unhappy with his tolerance for GMOs, which, he argued, help to feed people in poor countries. People from the South don’t like that the number of employees of the Fund, he scored mostly by the elite of the North. Conservatives criticized statements by Melinda gates about education for African girls and birth control.

Anyway, politicians and diplomats concerned in the first place this outstanding example of a private Fund, which was to play a crucial role in development assistance and may replace a few of the ministries of health, without the oversight of Parliament. He becomes a rival of States that are committed to the common good through effective used of the enormous private funds, which become a counterbalance to the meager finances of the international organizations (in particular the who, to which the gates Foundation is the second largest sponsor). Yes, but given the state of the world this is a good thing, said one of European health the expert.


