President Andrzej Duda (Andrzej Duda) made Monday morning a statement on the beginning of construction of the gas pipeline “Baltic pipe”, stressing its importance for the process of gaining Poland’s independence from Russia.
“This is a very good time for Poland not only in the current context, but I sincerely believe that, in the context of the next decades — he began his speech. —We will actually start construction of the “Baltic pipe”, i.e. the pipeline, which will begin on the Norwegian shelf, and then through Denmark goes to Poland on our coast, in Trzesacz,” — said the President.
“If to speak about full-scale diversification of sources of gas supply to our country, on the acquisition of Poland as a buyer of full independence from Russia, it is a giant step on the way to the goal, he explained. — April 30, the company “Gas Systems” has signed the contract for the implementation of this investment.” President Duda added that work will begin within the next few days. He also recalled that to enter the pipeline into operation on 1 October 2022.
Statement Duda. No word about the election
Meanwhile, it still remains unclear when exactly and in what form the presidential elections. The answers to these questions should bring next week. There are reports that because of problems with voting and the protests of the opposition party “law and justice” (PiS) is preparing an alternative solution. In particular, it can exploit the constitutional court to re-delegate the organization of the elections State election Commission and to abandon the universal vote by mail, and wrote on our portal Marcin Makowski (Marcin Makowski).
In turn, the portal “Onet” reported that is taken into account another option: the resignation of Andrzej Duda. This subject the President has not touched on what drew the attention of the commentators. “Of course, from a strategic point of view, “Baltic pipe” is a very important project, but when six days before the election, the prospect of which remains in question, the President does about this sudden statement and turns it into the main theme, it looks abnormal,” he wrote in his Twitter journalist Varaha Lucas (Łukasz Warzecha).
Reader comments
to ja
Bravo, this pipeline assures us that we will be able to negotiate with Russia about the prices, as Germany.
In Poland now there is no more important fact, which ought to do? Maybe the President lives in a parallel world and has no idea what’s going on.
Yes, indeed “very good point for Poland”! This man sends us comments from Mars? Who are now signing long-term contracts?
And Poland has the money? In the period of the pandemic and the looming global economic crisis, think about the pipeline — suicide. сovid-19 and stupidity of the ruling party will lead to the collapse of Poland.
In the current situation, I would advise you, as long as we have the opportunity to lead with Russia negotiations on a long-term contract. With the money she has, if I understand correctly, now bad.
You know you’re wrong. It is not about money, but to obtain independence from Russia. We will be able to continue to buy her gas, but we will have the opportunity not to do so, and in the negotiations is an important factor.
And why do we need to “gain independence” from supplies from the East??? The gas which is worse? Have to spend billions on the construction of a pipeline to deliver raw materials from Norway, if we already have gas under his nose? That you for managers, if you can’t agree on a good price? Politics should not play any role here, the main thing — business.
Polish schizophrenia: Russian gas is bad, though it is the cheapest in Europe, and the Russian coal is good because it is cheaper Polish. The result: we bring the most expensive gas from America and tons of coal from Russia (with Ukraine).