Five ways to use lemon juice in skin care

Lemon juice for face you can use as lotions and masks. It perfectly dries the skin, improves the complexion and brightens the skin, reports the website of hearth and Home.

Toner for pores

100 g lemon juice dissolve in 100 g of mineral water and pour into spray bottle. The tool is not only well tightens pores, but also perfectly tones loose skin.

Rosacea remedy

100 g of pure water, 50 g of lemon juice and 70 g of decoction of witch hazel mix and pour into a container with spray. To prepare a decoction of witch hazel, you need 2 tablespoons of leaves of plants pour a glass of boiling water and keep on a steam bath for 5 minutes and then allow to cool.


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Whitening lotion

2 tablespoons chopped parsley pour a glass of boiling water and keep on a steam bath for 15 minutes, allowed to cool and filtered. Then mix the 150 g of broth with a teaspoon of lemon juice.

Lifting mask

Make some warm tea box 1 of olive oil (you can substitute jojoba oil or grape seed is also suitable unrefined sunflower oil). Add fresh egg yolk and half a teaspoon of lemon juice, diluted 1 teaspoon of mineral water. Mix and apply on the face layers, allowing each previous one to freeze. After applying the last coat wait 15 minutes and wash off mask. The course is four-five weeks, two sessions per week.

Hydrating mask

1 tbsp of any base oil (Flaxseed, olive, jojoba) mix with a tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of thick cream. Keep the mask for 20 minutes.


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