What shower is better: cold or hot

Experts told about the advantages of both types of showers. Choose what suits you.

Use a hot shower

  • A hot shower is very useful to relax the muscles after a workout. It relieves delayed onset muscle soreness and allows muscles to recover faster. If you have a powerful shower, even better, hot water will work as a massager for the shoulders, neck and back.
  • Scientific studies have shown that a hot shower helps to deal with stress. It increases the level of the hormone oxytocin in the blood, which provides a good mood and a sense of peace.
  • A hot shower acts as a natural decongestant, so it can ease the symptoms of a cold, moistening the nasal passages.

Use a cold shower

  • Few can withstand a cold shower, but it’s really good for our bodies. The cool water helps to clear the head, improve concentration.
  • In contrast to the hot, a cold shower does not dry the skin and hair. Hairdressers are recommended to rinse your tresses with cool water to ease detangling.
  • It is proved that making a cool shower for two to three minutes helps to cope with depression.


  • The shower must not take more than 5-10 minutes and better soap-free – dermatologist

