Five myths about food that it’s time to stop believing

These tenacious myths can negate your efforts to reduce weight.

Diet juices to lose weight helps

Detox program using fresh juices are very popular among the stars. But fitness trainer Justin Gelbart, which trains models for fashion shows Victoria’s Secret, is skeptical about the use of fresh juices for weight loss. “Some models secretly I was sitting on a juice fast, wanting to lose weight before the start of fashion Week in new York. None of them lost weight and one even gained weight, which I have been a big problem,” said Justin.

From diet soda gain weight

Diet soda contains virtually no calories, so can contribute to weight gain. The myth is that sugary soft drinks cause a feeling of hunger which results in overeating.

There are negative calorie foods

It is believed that foods with “negative calories” (e.g., celery) are not caused by the addition of calories, but rather their deficit. In fact, on the digestion of any product spent about 20% of its caloric content. For example, celery stalk has seven calories. This means that eventually your body will get about 5 and a half.


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Sea salt contains less sodium and more minerals

All types of salt (table, sea, and Himalayan pink) include the same amount of sodium and 2.3 mg per teaspoon. But the calcium content of sea salt is really more – as much as 12 mg per teaspoon compared to 1 mg of the regular table. However, sea salt is poor in iodine deficiency which can cause problems with the thyroid gland.

Fat can turn into muscle (and Vice versa)

Muscle and fat tissue are completely different, and can never turn into each other. It’s like, what can I say, if the lead turns into gold.

You increase your body fat when you eat more calories than you expend. And exercising in the gym, you build muscle mass and burn excess fat, but it does not turn into muscle.


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