Horoscope for September 17-23: Virgins can start new projects, and Aquarius can’t devote the other to your intimate world

ARIES. You have to get rid of high stress within an increased health risk. Comfortable conditions for work — the most important thing. Do not rush headlong to grab the work for the sake of fulfilling other people’s requests. Everything that hurts makes you feel better, must be rejected. And since you are a handyman, a tireless labor of the horse, therefore, deserves a high salary with a clear conscience ask honored. Free labor is contraindicated. Everything should be paid accordingly. If you offer additional load – bargain! Those looking for part-time work will be too.

Couples should maintain a loving idyll, blowing dust from the perps. About the best partners silly dream, the most beautiful is near.

Cooperation with the Virgins, the Twins most productive.

TAURUS. In the sphere of love “reloaded”, a sensual flame in the heart burns with the new force. Do not try chosen to shear under its own comb, and love it for what it is, with pluses and minuses character. Adapt and “sculpt” what they got.

You will be engaged in shared goals, interests, let true love builds a career, substitute his shoulder, share a wealth of life experience. And certainly engage in daily life, help yourself, educating yourself of the exemplary family man, supporting the comfort in the house. The family business is also included in the repertoire of responsibilities.

Any activity (hobby) should give creative pleasure. If not, switch to something that inspires, ignites creative impulses. Now you are the blacksmith of your own happiness, which will warm all the year round.

GEMINI. You are destined to become a standard home owner, faithfully keeping watch under a native roof, where change is coming. Keep your finger on the family pulse, regulate the life, revitalizes psychological generic aura, invest all the wealth in their native land. Restore the family tradition, more likely to remember the ancestors, childhood, adolescence, visit the region where they were born. Then get spiritual nourishment from the birth canal, including genetic memory, which will positively affect the future.

Entertainment hangouts also don’t shy away from the romantic potential of the rages and must find a way on the “stage” where your don Juan’s talent will be revealed in full. Limit tonic light Hobbies. The palette of emotions, impressions requires regular updates and diversity. Married couples to avoid conflicts, it is necessary as air.

CANCERS. Do not sit in place, change the situation, actively communicate with people with communication skills. Time to weed out the wheat from the chaff in the contact area, leaving the friendships that satisfy practical interests.

Crucial driving force now — to improve the material conditions, the embodiment of their own ideas. And other people’s needs are secondary. Negotiate, implement ideas, make deals with partners with your customary thoroughness, pragmatism, business acumen.

“Jumping in the sack” you should not build the comfortable home nest, Finance initial loved ones, the family is reliable graced the rear.

LIONS. The implementation of secret desires changing dramatically. Yesterday needs recede into the background (it is possible for them to cling to), to make room for new “want” corresponding to the spirit of the time.

As a result, the sources of income generously spontaneous through profitable orders and high business qualities. Only no job new commitments, and engaged in the job that long spetsializiruetsya.

In the contact field luck will visit anyone who wants to find a harmonious partner. Take the initiative, meet new people, now you are an inexhaustible storehouse of life experience, inspiration, beauty, and every coincidence can be used with maximum efficiency.

And remember: in any case the last “Yes” or “no” only for you!

VIRGO. The motto of the week: Hooray for updates! You are self-sufficient, influential in society, personality, time to turn the page successful innovations in their existence. Dibutyrate, start new projects, desire to be the best, most successful, loved – the gate is open!

Earned money for a rainy day don’t delay and sponsor a needy, make beautiful gifts to those who deserve it, enveloping them with love and mercy.

LIBRA. Your bright charisma magical effect on the audience. And at the same time, you two-faced nature in which the main facade rage crazy events, karmically motivated. Rebels subconscious, throwing out from the depths to the surface vicious programs that require development and shaping of the surrounding situation.

Not all open the soul, time encrypted, hide away from human bustle. And pray for the enlightenment of the mind. To do mischief, to avenge the offenders banned, it would all come to the surface and overwhelm the devastating tsunami on you.

It is a period of spiritual transformation, repentance, forgiveness and cleansing of conscience, which should become crystal clear. Ahead of a new evolutionary cycle, where the dirty souls closed.

SCORPIONS. If you work on calling of the heart, do what you love, you’re lucky. Go for it! Route realize their career ambitions (business) is through collective activity. It is in the business team is expected to be a prospective change. Bet on informal leadership and implement the plans, forces abound, the energy reaches its climax. Office romances, too, fate approved.

At the same time secretly do charity, help the weak, the rich the needy all: morally, financially, physically, intellectually. Office of heaven all will be fixed.

ARCHERS. It’s time to harvest last year that I sowed, that shall he also reap. Both good and bad. You are now at the peak point. Fate will test and reward true merit. Failure idlers and prizes tireless worker, creative and spiritually developed personalities that fundamentally affect the consciousness.

To global projects, the process of “rebooting” your goal in life (career, business, professional guidelines) to be adjusted in the most successful direction. Unite with friends, it’s your high patrons and allies. But do not be selfish and show similar traits, to show piety towards them. Then together will move mountains.

CAPRICORNS. You play the role of a pragmatic teacher and mentor, well versed in the intricacies of life, able to connect theory with practice. This is the guarantee of high authority in society. Safely demonstrate to the audience the talents and achievements, and inspire people to new achievements. Do not be shy.

Now you have a pic of a creative upsurge and career achievements, the gracious patronage among the powerful.

And do not put the cart of personal desires ahead of the horse of other queries. Satisfying the interests of others, you are moving right fateful course.

AQUARIANS. Independent swimming is prohibited, your place in a harmonious tandem. Tame rebellious “I” and follow up with partners (business, marriage), masterfully adapting and implementing their rules of the game. Even fundamental differences should not throw you off balance.

Attention lovers: a dip in the whirlpool of sexual passion, remember that in your intimate world to devote to others so as not to Wake the unconscious envy of detractors. The sound of the hammer of love nobody needs to hear!

FISH. Without you as without air, we need you all! Enjoy your demand, readily substitute all the brotherly shoulder. Share your experience and don’t miss for altruistic hassle personal happiness!

In the Union you two halves of a whole, cemented by mutual love. However, the mating wheel of the vessel should be put in the hands of the partner. It is much stronger, more powerful, and can lead him in a successful direction, where there is a common goal, harmony, Hobbies and interests.

Now for the lovely you on the pedestal of the perfect lover, so give “one hundred” in romantic art, so as not to fall from this place of honor!

In the career of “slippage” going on, the boss to push makes no sense. Here the plotting wicked. Work in subordinate roles, podrabatyvaya on the side, “raskulachivanie” rich employers, the road spoon for dinner!

