Why you need to trash the entire plastic utensils and forget about it forever

Many food products today are Packed in plastic containers, which is easier and cheaper than cookware of other materials. More and more studies, however, indicate that health plastic utensils is not safe, according to med2.ru.

As noted by the expert on foods David Pipoyan, unlike, for example, from glass, plastic selects in food (and water) some elements contained in it. Of the products of these elements can get into the human body.

Researchers from tufts University found that the chemicals included in food-grade plastic, can affect the mammary glands at the stage of fetal development and increase the risk of developing breast cancer in the future, when the baby is born and grows up. It is believed that bisphenol a (BPA), part of the plastic tableware, possesses a destructive action on the endocrine system.


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Another study showed that this substance can adversely affect the respiratory system and lead to the development of asthma and other diseases. Included in the plastic containers, phthalates negatively affect the synthesis of testosterone and sperm quality and accelerate sexual development of girls, and can cause improper development of boys.

Before you use a plastic container for food or water, David Pipoyan recommends first and foremost to make sure that it is for foods. Usually on plastic items to spell the type of plastic they are made. Marking, however, may differ depending on the country of production. For example, some of the vessels of food-grade plastic are painted fork and knife in the other – a triangle with a number inside. Sometimes the dishes also written how many times it can be consumed.

