September 11: what a holiday, what and why in no event it is impossible to do that day

11 Sep Orthodox and Greek Catholics celebrate the feast of the beheading of prophet and Baptist of the Lord John the Baptist (people – Golovec). On this day, the closest predecessor of Jesus Christ, predicted his coming, and baptized the Messiah, was beheaded by order of king Herod. The Orthodox Church calls this feast the great.


  • What important holidays are waiting for us in September-2017: the Church calendar

On the day of Golovoseka people adhere to strict fasting.

What not to do in the day of the beheading of the Prophet forerunner:

  • This day best not to pick up sharp objects (e.g. knife, axe, saw). That is, everything that reminds martyred Saint. Including better not even to cut bread – break it to pieces. The people are of the opinion that if you cut the head of cabbage in the day, it may leak blood.
  • Is it possible to slice a tomato, melons and other round products with red color. It is believed that these fruits and vegetables resemble a head.
  • Also it is not customary to drink any drink “bloody” (red) color. Suggest today will refrain from wine and spirits.
  • Soup is better to cook another day, because this holiday is not to cut the cabbage.
  • Today, it is not recommended to get married and to celebrate weddings, christenings and other significant events.
  • In this day do not eat dairy products, meat and fish. A strict fast is observed.
  • It is also impossible to sing, to dance, to have fun. It is believed that such committed the mortal sin that was committed at the time of Salome.

Earlier,we wrote some important holidays are waiting for us in September 2017.

