Invisible Latin America

Temer continues to be the President of Brazil, but he was not filed a single vote. Macri, defendant in the “Panama records”, holds Milagro Salas (Salas Milagro) in Argentine jail as a political prisoner. Santos is involved in a scandal around construction and engineering company Odebrecht, which presumably gave him a million dollars for a presidential campaign in Colombia in 2014. During President peña Nieto in Mexico were killed 36 journalists for their professional activities. Last year the Peruvian President Kuczynski issued 112 orders, thus avoiding the necessity of approval by the legislative branch.

But very few people pays attention. The only country catching everyone’s attention, this is Venezuela. What is called the world community to forgive the violation of democratic norms in Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Peru. Conservative forces do not have to give explanations about the absence of elections, political persecution, corruption scandals, lack of freedom of speech and separation of powers.

They can do what they want because nothing will be made public. All hushed up by major media and numerous international organizations that act as advocates for all foreign. While they there is no international financial pressure, rather the opposite.

In these countries, democracy itself is bursting at the seams and unable to teach others. The low level of democracy allows them to get out with all the predicament, without going into specific explanations. In most cases, this is accompanied by references to various mysterious figures that come from nowhere. One of the best examples is how the Economist defines its “index of democracy” based on “expert assessments”, which in the note is generally not given. Thus, democracy as it is driven into the black box, in which the winner is the one who has clout in the media.

But that’s not all. Conservatives are not going to respect democratic norms and the economy. There can be no real democracy in countries that do not allow that amount of people to exercise their basic social rights to a decent life. More than eight million poor people in Colombia; more than six and a half million in Peru; more than 55 million in Mexico. With the coming to power of Macri in Argentina, the number of poor grew by half a million people, and in Brazil (with the advent of Temer) — three and a half million. The interesting thing is that there are no effective economic models, the conservatives can not imagine and only worsen the situation of their citizens. Their economies stagnated, without the slightest hint of recovery.

This invisible Latin America should not be our excuse not to deal with her problems. Moreover, in the current era of great geopolitical struggle, we must make the invisible did not mean non-existent. About the other failed Latin America and its problems it is necessary to tell the whole world.

Let’s not allow that we have imposed a different agenda.

