Because of disilicate in Ukraine may pour b/y car from Germany

Germany continues to inflame the scandal of diesel cars and fiddling with indicators of harmful emissions. To defuse the situation and avoid a total ban on diesel cars in the cities, automakers have begun to offer bonuses for scrap old diesel cars in exchange for new. The value of prizes reaches from 2,000 to 10,000 euros. Moreover, offering them not only Volkswagen, but also other German carmakers, says AUTO-Consulting.

52% of Germans approve of the award by replacing old diesel vehicles with newer. 30% oppose this initiative from the German automakers. 48,6% of drivers of diesel cars has confirmed that this offer will attract them to buy a new diesel car. These are the results of a survey conducted by the Institute Insa.

The representative of the Green party Oliver Krisher warned that the initiative of car manufacturers will lead to the spreading problem of environmental pollution on poor countries, particularly in Africa, because the manufacturers can’t prevent the fact that the old cars in the end will be abroad and the rest of it will be used. According to Krisher “cynically those cars that are here no longer meet the standards, simply send them to other countries”.


  • The people of Germany are losing confidence in the German car industry – a survey

Earlier, the German automakers have pledged to convert five million diesel cars to reduce emissions atmopshere, as well as several awards for owners of older diesels who will exchange them for the new model. In addition, in the German market significantly dropped prices on used cars, but after the announcement of recycling programs, and prices began to stabilize.

Meanwhile, the old German cars will flood not only in Africa, you mentioned to Oliver Kricher, but in Ukraine, experts say.

Domestic operators expect an influx of like new cars from the German market, the purchase of which refuse in Germany, and used cars. In the Wake of rumors about a possible ban on entry to hotel city diesel cars, the pragmatic Germans took a course on getting rid of the old car.

And although according to surveys, only one in five respondents who plan to change the car, considering buying electric. But the credibility of diesel cars in Germany is thoroughly undermined. This topic is often discussed in the media and German motorists understand that sooner or later will have to abandon the habitual way of life and diesels.

