The anti-corruption Bureau took NACP

The national anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) is investigating three criminal proceedings against the actions of officials of the National Agency about the issues of corruption prevention (NACP). This is with reference to the NEB reports “Ukrainian truth”.

“Detectives Chief of detectives division of NABOO carry out pre-trial investigation on three criminal proceedings in relation to actions of officials NACP”, – stated in the message.

“Detectives Chief of detectives division of NABOO carry out pre-trial investigation on three criminal proceedings in relation to actions of officials NACP”, – stated in the message.


  • The number of corrupt officials who put in 2017

“Two of these plants are open upon possible Commission by officials of NACP criminal offense under part 5 of St .191 the criminal code of Ukraine”, – noted in the NEB. We are talking about the assignment, waste of property or taking to them by abuse of official position in especially large sizes.

“In the framework of another criminal proceedings investigated the facts, pre-qualified under article 366-1 of the criminal code of Ukraine”, – said in response to NAB. Article 366-1 for the Declaration of false information.

The Bureau also added that have not yet been informed about the suspicion of the defendants in these proceedings.

Recall that in mid-June, police and prosecutors have already searched the NACP.

