How to eat while Jogging: tips fitness experts

To achieve results in any sport, you must not only train hard but to eat right.

Experts insist on balanced diet which will properly combine proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Thoughtful nutrition before, during and after the run not only effectively saves the extra inches, but also give a boost of energy for better results and good health, reports “New time”.

To run

No matter how long you plan to run, the Golden rule, what to eat for 2-4 hours before. Before sport is not recommended for heavy and greasy food, because the body needs to provide fuel. Ideal – porridge. It contains slow carbohydrates, so it will be to preserve the sense of satiety. Also, to porridge, you can add berries or some meat. In addition, experts advise to consume carbohydrates in the amount of 2% of body weight, as protein – 0,0025%. A few hours before running you should also drink 500 ml of water.

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While running

If your Jogging will take a few hours, please not only water but also carbohydrates. This can be a banana, granola bar of granola or just dried fruits. To use should not be more than 30-60 grams depending on weight. As for water, it is recommended to drink 250 ml of water every three miles. Experts advise not to starve because lack of energy will lead to negative consequences.

After running

For 30 minutes after the race should eat protein to muscle faster recovered. A bit later, to refill energy, you must eat carbohydrates in the amount of 1% of the body weight. A few hours later you might feel the hunger. In this case, it is recommended that food rich in carbohydrates and proteins.

