Died a famous Ukrainian scientist and public figure

On the 92 th year of life died a famous Ukrainian scientist and public figure Konstantin Sytnik.

The scientist was born 3 Jun 1926 in Lugansk. Graduated from Luhansk pedagogical Institute. In 1949-1950, he worked as an assistant in the Department of Zoology of the Luhansk pedagogical Institute.

  • Also read: Died a famous French actor Claude riche

In 1998 Sytnik was awarded the order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise V century. for outstanding personal merits before the Ukrainian state in development of fundamental science, the formation of the national school of space biology and social activities.

In 2006 he received the order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise IV degree for his outstanding contribution to the establishment and development of domestic science, many years of fruitful legislative and socio-political activities.

Earlier also it was reported that the day before he died a famous Lviv musician Yuri Sharifov.

