Rasputin at the trump

A few days ago, I noted that Steve Bannon (Steve Bannon), it seems, is the only representative of the nearest environment of the President of Donald trump, which is not touched by the scandal with Russia. This partly explains why President trump put him in charge of the “staff” against “fake news” about Russia. Apparently, Bannon took to accomplish this task with pleasure. According to one of the excerpts from a new book by Joshua green (Joshua Green) about the relationship’bannon with trump “deal with the devil” (Devil’s Bargain), Bannon focuses on how to defame the reputation of the special Prosecutor Robert Mueller (Robert Mueller). The results so far, but you can be sure that he’s working on it.

But just what Bannon did not affect the current “Russian” scandal, does not mean that he has no ties with Russia. It seems that the new administration is already a prerequisite. Indeed, many observers have called the’bannon Rasputin at the trump, and this is all the bases. It is known for a mystic-a seer has a lot in common besides the fact that they are both known for their unkempt appearance and lack of ability to behave in society.

As usual, the media carefully pulled from the book green obscene quotes. And green, it seems, really was an amazing opportunity to chat with many people, especially by Bannon, with whom he, apparently, took a detailed interview. For example, green said that “when trump lambasted for the fact that his campaign headquarters had not prepared any programme document, ‘bannon agreed with [assistant Sam] Danbergam and conservative political columnist Ann Coulter (Ann Coulter), they immediately wrote the program of immigration policy trump. When the staff has published the program, Coulter, without disclosing its role, tweeted that it was “the greatest political document since the Magna Carta””.

To think only! That is, they appealed to Ann Coulter to create a policy document about immigration.

The book has a quote of Bannon, who called the speaker of the lower house of the Parliament, “a wimp and a bastard, born in a Petri dish in the Heritage Foundation” when I heard that Ryan’s candidacy was viewed as a possible replacement for Trump if the views at the Republican national Convention (where they had to nominate presidential candidate — approx.ed.) disperse.
It’s bright, but not exactly an insult.

Paul Ryan was not born in a Petri dish in the Heritage Foundation — he was born in the kitchen sink at the Institute of Ayn Rand (Ayn Rand Russian — American philosopher, Creator of the theory of objectivism). They are located on adjacent shores of the malarial swamps of the conservative movement, but it’s not the same thing. And’bannon knows it. He criticized the objectivist writer and philosopher Rand in his notorious speech, which he delivered in 2014 at the Institute for the protection of human dignity (Institute for Human Dignity) — a conservative Christian organization that popularitywith opinions of Christians in European politics.

He said: “the Second form of capitalism, which, I think, is less of a concern, is what I call “landowski” or objectivist school of libertarian capitalism…. This form of capitalism, if you really look at it, there is something completely different than what I call “enlightened capitalism” of the Judeo-Christian West. It is capitalism, which effectively seeks to turn human beings into commodities, into objects of consumption and to embody people, and actually use them — in accordance with many of the precepts of Marx. And it is a form of capitalism, particularly for the young generation, [that] they really consider very attractive. And if they don’t see alternatives, it will be something to which they gravitate under the banner of “personal freedom””.

It’s hard to understand what it believes’bannon, because he is certainly a populist and a nationalist. He seems for the most part is a kind of spiritualist — like the Russian Rasputin. According to Greene, the biggest influence on’bannon had two people. The first is a French writer and philosopher Rene Guenon (René Guénon), who in his book “the Crisis of the modern world” (“The Crisis of the Modern World”, 1929) argued that all started to fall apart in the year 1312, when it was destroyed by the Templars. The second is an Italian writer and philosopher Julius Evola (Julius Evola), whose book “Revolt against the modern world” (“Revolt Against the Modern World”, 1934) have influenced the views of Mussolini. Interestingly, this book also became a key work for the Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin, the most influential ideologist of Vladimir Putin and the man who once called Steve Bannon his ideological soul mate.

According to Alexander verkhovskiy, Director of the Russian information-analytical center “Sova”, Moscow non-governmental organization that studies the activities of ultra-nationalist groups — the “Dugin talks about the creation of a new cross-cultural nation with antiatlanticheskih traditional ideology, his theory often seems almost fascist. “He talked a lot and wrote, calling for war in Ukraine, and many Russian nationalists who listened to or read the texts of Dugin, in fact, later joined the revolts in Ukraine”, — said verhovskoy.

So although’bannon, perhaps not directly related to the “Russian” scandals, he in a sense is one of the members of the administration, which is really close ideological relationship with the leader of this country.

According to the ideology of’bannon, we are experiencing a dark and gloomy period of cultural decay and loss of tradition in which the West is in a sharp and dangerous decline. He does not test special optimism. His philosophy goes well with the more superficial nostalgic views of trump in the spirit of “get off my lawn” and plays on the fears and insecurities of people who believe that the modern world is changing too fast.

Green told of one incident that happened at the end of the campaign. Trump then launched a TV campaign videos, which had many anti-Semitic images. It was horrible, and many people were outraged. “Darkness is good, don’t stop,” said Trump’bannon.

Broadcast on National public radio (NPR), green said: “the Tragic irony of Shakespeare’s relations Donald trump and Steve Banana is that Bannon has finally found a “vessel” for his ideas — a weak man, who may be elected President,… [but who] now there is neither the main goal nor the means, nor the self-control to do at least the most basic thing to do President.”

Well, thanks for that.


