The whole truth about the mistress of Hitler

Berlin. Bombs were dropping everywhere. The armoured car comes to the bunker of the Reich Chancellery. The last hours of the Nazi regime. The men in the car returned after the job. The streets of Berlin turned into decoration to “Twilight of the gods”, and the crew of the armored car, risking life, carries with him a very important person. But this is not a General and not Ambassador. Is an employee of the Bureau of records of acts of civil status, which fought against the Soviet soldiers in a street battle in the next quarter. He must witness the marriage. The bride and groom expected the marriage ceremony in a concrete bunker. This Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun. Business on April 30, 1945. A few hours later, a gun and two tablets of cyanide will send the newlyweds on their last journey.

Historians to this day has not paid adequate attention to the woman who became the life companion of Hitler and died with him. According to Gortemaker Heike (Heike Görtemaker), the author of the first academic biography of Eva Braun, in the early postwar years it was believed that it was a “silly blonde”. In an interview with the weekly Stern Heike Gortemaker calls her “bride of the monster”. About Hitler written thousands of books in which his personal life is little space.

British historian Ian Kershaw (Ian Kershaw) in his book “Hitler” he writes that the private and public life of the Chancellor merged into a single unit. The personality of Hitler was obsessed with the role of the Fuhrer, which he perfectly fulfilled. But was in that animal personality is something from the man? And this side cannot be seen in isolation from the personality of Eva Braun. “Of course, the significance of her life acquired only because she lived with Hitler. But I wonder, can we take another look at Hitler, having studied her biography,” writes Gortemaker. So a book “Eva Braun: life with Hitler”.

The author did not consider in his well-known commonplace of history. As eve was jealous of Hitler to his German shepherd Blondi and secretly beat her. As argued with the dictator because of the lousy taste of the dishes, with a vegetarian diet. As the servants dug in the bedding eve in search of evidence of their intimate connection. In their study, the German historian, considered details that could shed light on the identity of Eva Braun and the vicissitudes of their relations with Hitler. Personal correspondence of Eva with Hitler was destroyed on the orders of the dictator, so in his work the author used her letters to friends and relatives, records from old diaries, separate information from the testimony of the inner circle of the führer, photos, and Amateur movies.

Documents remained very small, but the author’s approach unique. Previous researchers on the verdict of the British historian Trevor-Roper (Trevor-Roper), author of books about Hitler, published in 1947. He believed that Eva Braun “is not of interest…”. Not too categorical a conclusion to 16 years of relationship?

Hitler studied the genealogy of his lady and ascertained that she had no Jewish ancestors. The story had a continuation

Their acquaintance took place in the Studio of Heinrich Hoffmann in 1929. The Studio was located near the headquarters of the Nazi party. Hitler would often go to his friend’s party and part-time personal photographer. His attention was immediately attracted to the new assistant of Hoffmann. She was much younger than Hitler, she was only 17. Fun, attractive and suave. “We would like to invite you to the Opera, miss Eva?” — a polite and courteous manner appealed to her Hitler. And so began their relationship. 40 future bloody tyrant was still only a novice politician. Eva was the youngest child in the family. Mother a seamstress, father was a school teacher. Hitler allowed himself to get involved in the eve only after studying her family tree and found no Jewish ancestors. They began a relationship, however, not straightforward.

This is evidenced by at least two suicide attempts, taken by eve. The first time she has tried to be shot from the gun of his father in 1932. At that time, Hitler was preoccupied with the struggle for power: every day three or four times I spoke at meetings. With her was distant. Friends say that she was trying to attract attention. Despite the crazy schedule, he found time and arrived at the hospital with a bouquet of flowers. Alarmed by the thought of possible death of the girl, he asked the doctors to tell him the whole truth. The doctor reassured Hitler and promised that Eva would live. He was relieved to continue his election campaign.

In 1935, Eva tried to commit suicide a second time, now with the help of sleeping pills. The reasons were all the same: she felt abandoned and lonely. Hitler was on the road, they saw him rarely, and he didn’t pay attention to her complaints. “If I don’t get today to 10 PM response, then just take 25 pills”. Hitler, already become by the time the master of Germany, correctly understood this hint.

Although now he gave eve a lot more attention, it continued to occupy a very modest place in his life. About its existence knew only confidants of Hitler’s inner circle who visited the Berghof. Until the end of the war, it was the peculiar residence of the Nazi court in the Alps. There and moved Eva as a housewife. It was a luxurious building, Carrara marble and Bohemian stone. At the same time there was a very cozy, almost family, and quite a bit of visitors. Witnesses said that the house was forbidden to talk about politics in the presence of women.

Mainly discussed fashion, the breeding of dogs and cars. In the light of candles, Hitler was fond of reciting long speeches, and when people are already struggling to hide a yawn, eve sent him to bed. He agreed and went up to his room. After a few minutes she came up to my room. On the floor of a long corridor leading to their bedrooms, had a massive velvet carpet. Their rooms were connected by a door.

Heike Gortemaker sure that the question was whether Hitler and Eva Braun in an intimate relationship, you should give a positive answer. Let this side of life and was hidden by a veil of secrecy. During his visit to the Berghof, Reinhard Spitzy (Reinhard Spitzy), the adjutant of the Reich Minister for foreign Affairs and a convinced Nazi, was surprised by the relationship of Hitler and Eva Braun. He believed the Fuhrer “an ascetic, which was higher than sex, and pleasure”. But Eva Braun has destroyed itself this way. Considering a photograph of British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain during a visit to Munich in 1938 sitting on the sofa in the living room of Hitler, she exclaimed, “If he knew the kind of history of this sofa!”

Total discretion. Secrecy. The Germans did not know about the existence of eve. She lived in the shadow of the Fuhrer, the theatrical incarnation of Adolf Hitler. This was the role of his life which took away all his power. This role had strict requirements: “Many women love me because I’m not married.” Women were his chief support: “They are the first to respond to my speech, then children, and then their fathers.” The traditional view is that women played a secondary role in the life of Hitler and the Nazi regime. All the key posts were held by men. But the support of the female electorate was fundamentally necessary.

Among women also met staunch follower of the Nazi ideas: Magda Goebbels (Magda Goebbels), wife of the Reich propaganda; Hanna Reitsch (Hanna Reitsch), the famous aviatrix, who proposed to Hitler the idea of a squad of suicide bombers for use against the Russian troops on the Oder; Gertrud Scholz-Klink (Gertrud Scholtz-Klink), the leader of the women’s wing of the Nazi party, planned to create from the wards of the shock combat units. Well, Eva? Is it possible to compare it with these Germans? Heike Gortemaker believes that eve not only created a home comfort for “the great war”, but “entirely shared the worldview and political views of Hitler.”

After the war there were several attempts to hide the role of women in the crimes of Nazi Germany.

There is evidence that Eva was present during the secret discussion of political issues. Hard to believe that Hitler was not discussed political topics. I bet she was a devoted listener of his emotional monologues, many of which were harshly anti-Semitic. Half of his life Eva spent surrounded by Nazi fanatics. Hard to believe she remained indifferent. Where did the theory that women did not participate in the Affairs of Nazi Germany? Blame the leaders of the Third Reich, gave their testimony after the war, and historians, especially Anglo-Saxon, which in a peculiar key to interpret these readings.

In an interview with the Observer Heike Gortemaker says that “albert Speer (Albert Speer) Reich Minister of armaments, warned that Eva Braun will be a great disappointment to historians. He insisted that women, from the wives to the secretaries, did not play an important role in the Nazi party. In fact, the Scheer was only trying to shield his wife. We have made great efforts to bring the blow of women, with the result that formed the myth of the modest role of ladies in the Affairs of the third Reich. In the period of de-Nazification parents Eva Braun claimed that their daughter was simply the housekeeper of Hitler. So they were trying to protect her memory.

Historian categorically denies the rumors about the Platonic nature of their relationship and is confident that between them there was a sexual relationship.

However, the housekeeper held next to Hitler 2 280 days. At the end of the war, she moved to Berlin. And although her room was in the old part of the Reich Chancellery, she continued to regularly meet with the Fuhrer. When the bombing intensified it with him descended into the bunker. Eva was deaf to the pleas of Hitler to leave Berlin, to flee to Bavaria, and remained with him until the end. Fidelity Eva was Hitler’s greatest asset. Finally, eve was rewarded. She got what you so longed for: a man, engaged with Germany, offered her a marriage under the bombs.

The next item in this contract with the devil was a suicide: first she, and in a few moments. It took 65 years, and a portrait of Eva Braun emblazoned on the front pages of the German press. But this is another, new eve. She is waiting for — will it still be considered “silly blonde”? After all, deep down want to believe that there was only one beast, the one Hitler monolithic evil, without the cracks and props.

