Integration of Ukraine into the EU today is not in the agenda of the Ambassador

The goal of Ukraine and the EU, the aim of the Association Ukraine-EU political Association and economic integration. But by no means the integration of Ukraine into the EU. This was at the international conference “Ukraine-EU: integration in a changing world”, said EU Ambassador to Ukraine Hugues Mingarelli.

According to him, integration of Ukrainian economy into the EU market means that we must be ready to push all tariff and non-tariff barriers that currently exist in trade and investment between Ukraine and the EU.

“Tariff barriers are not the main problem. The main obstacles are non-tariff barriers, technical barriers to trade. And for that Ukrainian legislation must be harmonized with the European one. It will take years. If we are optimists, we say that it will take 6-7 years. If realists, in the light of what we have been doing for the last 20 years in Central European countries, this may require even more time,” said the diplomat.

