These countries, which Ukrainians trust the most

Among foreign States the Ukrainians most of all is the confidence of neighboring Belarus. This is evidenced by the results of sociological research “Ukraine in focus”, conducted by the sociological group “Rating”.

So, according to the survey, most Ukrainians trust Belarus. The Northern neighbor of Ukraine caused a confidence of 60% of the respondents. Second place is shared by the countries of the European Union and Canada (by 56%). United Nations trust 48% of respondents.

At the same time against the aggressor Russia, Ukrainians are quite radical – 73% of respondents do not trust Russia.

In the regional context in the West and in the Centre to a greater extent put my trust in Canada and the EU. In addition, NATO, USA, OSCE and the IMF also have more confidence in the West. The credibility of Belarus, CIS countries, China and Russia are more pronounced in the South and East of the country.

