How much Ukraine will cost the transition to electronic medical records

In eHealth have already checked in 26 health facilities in 15 towns of Ukraine. This was stated by the head of the project office system Yuriy Bugay for her presentation on June 22.

The next step after registration of hospitals registration of doctors in the autumn of of patients.

According to Yuriy Bugay, money allocated to eHealth international organization.

“The total development cost of the project is 400 thousand dollars. The money provided by international organizations. The first who supported us – the Embassy of Canada, USAID and others,” commented bull.

The service will give patients the opportunity to choose a doctor and make an appointment at a convenient time. To do this, the Ukrainians in the hospital must be signed with the family doctor or physician contract. After the doctor will make the system patient information: passport data, identification number, telephone and email to confirm your registration.

Acting Minister of health Ulyana Suprun believes that in most Ukrainian hospitals have computers and Internet and registration problems will not arise.

“Many hospitals have we have the Internet and computers. Those hospitals that do not have access is a question of use of money, the hospitals. In 2018, we foresee in the budget additional money for investment projects. All regions and hospitals will be able to go in order to buy the necessary equipment. We often go to hospitals and see that many have computers. I was even in dispensaries in the villages where they set up your electronic registry and transfer paper medical records into the system. For registration you need only a computer or even a smartphone. There is no need of big technology. It was our task, to the hospital did not buy expensive computers and software,” said Suprun.

