Czech Republic ready to adopt the Euro

Czech Republic ready to move to a single European currency and join the Eurozone, said the head of the Czech national Bank jiří Rusnok.

However, before the adoption of the Euro it would be desirable to reduce the difference between the incomes of Czechs and citizens of the Eurozone, he said in an interview with local news Agency CTK.

Earlier, the authorities officially announced an intention to switch to using Euro, however, the date this step was not called.

According to the Ministry of Finance, the prices in the Czech Republic account for approximately 60% of the indicators of the Eurozone countries. Twenty years ago they were at 35%. Average annual salary Chekhov in 2014 was about 345 thousand kroons, i.e. 37% of the EU average (930 thousand kroons). While two thirds of employees in the Czech Republic receive wages below the average, writes

GDP of Czech Republic at the end of 2016 increased by 2.5% after rising by 4.5% a year earlier. As expected, in 2017, the growth rate of the economy will remain roughly at last year’s level.

