Zeman wants to get to Moscow art. Him a little?

That the President is driving us into the arms of Russia and China, no one can doubt. Given that the last time Zeman openly expresses hatred for everything that is not for him, and not hide the delight in relation to your Pets, there is nothing to speak about.

Recently at public expense Zeman traveled to countries where there is a Communist dictatorship, and where he met with dictators and leaders: China, Vietnam and Kazakhstan. And now came the news about sending Czech values in Moscow.

It might shock you, may disturb. But baboutmost of the citizens decided that the Prague castle will sit a vengeful old man with large eccentricities, and we, everybody else, have to live with it. This is also democracy. It is surprising, however, is that the voter does not bother our return to those days in 1989 we glee got rid of.

Perhaps we have forgotten what it’s like to live when the Russian tanks come, when imprisoned for expressing their opinions, and, most importantly, when you have to constantly look around, not whether someone behind you. The government gradually introduces so many restrictions that we have to get used to the more stringent than ever before, dictates.

They say that the President has only representative functions, but even now he does not. Zeman revels in power and the government is not doing enough to prove to the President that his control and he was not allowed to do whatever they want. It is not surprising that a few weeks ago, one of his most important allies was holding in his hand the whole Cabinet, not taking up the Premiership.

It is not true that Zeman is a loose cannon that cannot be cleaned. After all, any visit abroad must approve the government, thereby providing the money for the trip. Ministers can condemn a statement and thus make it clear that Czech foreign policy is determined not by the head of state and government.

However, the desire and determination to do the kind. It’s hard to say what it is connected with fears of the supporters of Zeman will behave in the parliamentary elections, or excessive respect for “his Highness”. However, our President has no respect and doesn’t deserve confirms this again when he goes to China or when he wants to send art in Moscow.

